Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] this [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 All three bodies provided support during this period for pioneering WEA activity over relatively short periods , usually for three years , although some were renewed to sustain encouraging developments .
2 Two dollars below the market price … and it turns out that we agreed that we do the whole operation for him in the United States … and he will supply another $10m for this start for bombing and , uh , assassinate in US .
3 ‘ May I consult my sticks about this matter for you ? ’
4 The tactics for this sermon for all the family vary considerably .
5 One way and another , I was glad to get back to Bourn after this leave for a rest .
6 In simple cases , the consequences in certain conditions of Newtonian gravitational attraction could be deduced and the adequacy of this cause for certain phenomena , most notably elliptical planetary orbits , thereby established .
7 The result of this sensitivity for the majority of respondents was a friendly but uneasy and measured co-operation , although there were extremes at either pole .
8 The activity of planning illustrates the usefulness of this approach for organisational analysis .
9 A thought er went , slipped by me er we must upon this council thank the committee staff that controlled the multitude outside , er they were n't trained for it but can the er thanks of this council for their endeavours in keeping the situation calm be recorded .
10 The aim is to develop a range of policies to develop the positive aspects of this process for scientific growth in potential host countries such as the UK ; and also to minimise the deleterious effects of negative aspects such as those bound up with the current ‘ brain drain' .
11 The effect of this competition for funds is , of course , that an increasing proportion of the money supply now yields interest and , what is more , these interest rates vary with market interest rates .
12 But the combined effect of this consumption for their private good , has damaged the public interest .
13 In the light of this planning for the introduction of the new Honour School of Computation in October 1994 is proceeding , with the provision of the first necessary additional posts and other resources .
14 The original suspended wooden ground floor was entirely removed after penetration of this structure for the installation of the new cross-walls and their foundations showed that some residual sections were badly affected by woodworm .
15 The disadvantage with this equation for the recognition task is that it would automatically demote any word that is syntactically ambiguous .
16 There are no energy saving signals in this Budget for industry . ’
17 Maltings engineer , ( father of ) , and the maintenance team deserve special mention in this feature for their combined skill in keeping essential plant operational and for their assistance with new installation .
18 Then he admitted as he shovelled manure at a tree-planting ceremoney in his Huntingdon constituency : ‘ It occurs to me I 've been up to my neck in this stuff for the last month . ’
19 And I am the daughter of a Welshman , a settler in this town for many years , but still Welsh .
20 The opportunities in this model for passing the buck between the NHS and social services would be legion .
21 The Scheme had already taken steps in this direction for new employees but had no plans to equalize the NRAs of existing members .
22 For more than thirty-seven years held the important situation of teacher to the first public institution in this country for the education of the deaf and dumb ; which was established in this parish , A.D. 1792 …
23 The European Council would give guidance to this set-up for ‘ inter-governmental co-operation ’ and , as with ‘ European Political Co-operation ’ in foreign policy , the commission would be allowed to sit in .
24 Foltene is easy to use and is available at the following outlets in London or by mail order to FOLTENE Send an S.A.E to this address for more details .
25 The Bonnards and their car offered the opportunity they were looking for , a way of gaining entry to this country for two operatives and a device of some kind . ’
26 Henry Hyndman , Karl Marx 's first English translator , narrowly missed a place in the Cambridge XI , and some accounts credit disappointment at this exclusion for his subsequent loathing of the ruling class .
27 Forty two year old decorated U D R veteran , Albert Cooper , was set up by a woman who left a booby-trapped car at this garage for repairs .
28 The Director of Highways has stated that there are insufficient funds at this time for the provision of a pedestrian refuge island between Baberton and Foulis Crescent .
29 ‘ He 's going to be a key figure at this club for the next three or four years , ’ said the Newcastle boss .
30 Even in the implementation of policy the bureaucracy maintains its own preferences and there are infinite opportunities at this stage for manipulation .
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