Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a two year " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Leonard Coote was elected President of the Association for a two year term at the Biennial Delegate Conference in succession to Mr. Andy Heffernan .
2 A section of the Education Bill prevents school library services from offering their facilities to grant maintained schools after a two year period .
3 • This 33 lb 12 oz pike was the result of a two year campaign at a Nottinghamshire gravel pit by Mansfield miner David Dare .
4 Other combinations of hotel and catering craft or supervisory qualifications and experience ( such as successful completion of a two year full-time craft course plus one year 's appropriate experience ) .
5 To re-finance ourselves in order to finish the task , we arranged a Flexible Businessloan with a two year capital repayment holiday which gave us the breathing space we needed .
6 The girl was referred to our department with a two year history of panic attacks .
7 The result over a two year period is a range of display material that has been exclusively designed and manufactured , and is now available to retailers throughout the country .
8 This survey was part of a two year research project on adults doing science , mathematics or engineering courses in further and higher education funded by the Scottish Office Education Department .
9 You can also ease initial strain on your cashflow by taking advantage of a two year ‘ capital repayment holiday ’ , during which you only pay interest on the loan and make no capital repayments .
10 And Merv will join them and their family in Derbyshire with a two year old lookalike , a mongrel named Floss .
11 Ingres Windows 4GL , well received as a graphical , object-oriented 4GL development tool , but with a surprisingly low profile for a two year old product , is expected to make a two-stage move towards supporting multiple databases , with announcements about a middleware product expected next month .
12 A mother ewe with two lambs in the field behind the house one morning demonstrated her strong maternal instincts when she successful saw off a two year old steer with a series of savage head butts .
13 The extension of the YTS into a two year scheme and making it compulsory for those not in education through removing entitlements to other benefits , means that in future there may be no such thing as a ‘ young worker ’ or a ‘ young unemployed ’ under the age of eighteen .
14 Prospective study of patients identified as having severe acute renal failure within a two year period ; subsequent monitoring of outcome for a further two years .
15 Some of these children , if they were given this attention over a two year period , could overcome this and go into the secondary school able to cope and take their place alongside the other children , and this is desperately important .
16 If a successful sponsorship deal is arranged , the Liberator will be based in the UK for a two year period , during which time it would be a major attraction at the various events marking the 50th Anniversary of the US 8th Air Force 's arrival in the UK .
17 The students , among whom a significant proportion was female , were at the beginning of a two year full time course on subjects familiar to CIT students .
18 She was Mary Jennings now , a blonde from Atlanta Canton , returning to the eastern seaboard after a two year secondment to the European arm of her Company .
19 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
20 B. Or MEDICAL PHYSICS , by means of a two year block release course commencing the last two weeks in September 1991 .
21 Question 11 Do you support the Council 's plans for a programme of accounts rules monitoring visits to all sole practitioners within a two year period ?
22 What it does n't currently offer is Unix SVR4 compatibility , and Solbourne commits only to a gradual migration to Solaris over a two year period .
23 They voted by 19 to 6 in favour of a two year moratorium , during which time a scientific committee will ‘ review the scientific and technical considerations relevant to the proposed amendments ’ .
24 The purpose of the section is to protect successful objectors from the necessity of having to renew their objections to the same application for a two year period .
25 We are currently seeking a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for a two year appointment who will be involved in at least one of the following key research areas :
26 Damien Amos returns to work in the Design Studio after a two year break into the music business : He plays bass guitar with a group that recently recorded an album .
27 Her qualification comes at the end of a two year distance learning course , during which time Irene had to attend Robert Gordon 's University for five days every three months , complete and pass six modules as well as writing a 10,000 word research based dissertation .
28 The London College of Fashion offers a variety of courses including a two year BTEC/Higher Diploma in Design for Fashion Writing and a two year diploma for Fashion Styling .
29 IRISH League champions Linfield have signed 26-year-old Partick Thistle midfielder Gary Peebles on a two year contract — first step in a close season build-up schedule , writes Malcolm Brodie .
30 LINFIELD have signed Partick Thistle midfielder Gary Peebles on a two year contract .
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