Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can use the Alexander Technique as a preventative measure : after all , prevention is better than cure .
2 The book is written specifically for engineers and engineering undergraduates to present this computational technique as a practical tool in engineering , keeping the mathematical content to a minimum .
3 Such opposition is backed by appeals to protect the small retailer as a unique feature of Japanese culture against an alien Western transplant .
4 " He used to travel in prahus as a young man , then a guru told him that one day he would die by water .
5 The mother who speaks with obvious dread about a forthcoming visit to the dentist may be responsible for unintentionally passing on that fear to her child .
6 A man of action all his life , David went into the Army in the RAMC as a young man and later trained as a State Registered Nurse in a civilian hospital .
7 This defence of housework is all the more necessary because housework passes unmentioned in the predominant stereotype of the housewife as a leisured homemaker .
8 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
9 He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of several members of the local association who had privately aired derogatory views about a black candidate while publicly supporting him .
10 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
11 Even if the typical criminal sanction holds out little hope as a general deterrent , does it act as a specific deterrent ?
12 Shorty was also a good guide and mentor for a growing lad , as good a father as any man could want .
13 Details have still to be worked out , but Chez reckons that with the aid of his home computer and his Nintendo Boot Sale Blitz game , he and I can milk off a tidy sum whilst still leaving the club with a small profit .
14 ‘ START 2 is not going anywhere until START 1 is ratified by everyone and everyone joins the NPT as a non-nuclear state , ’ laments an American official .
15 With a helping hand from Sister Jacqui Littlewood , he sets off on a ‘ police ’ trolley bike for a minor op .
16 In international law generally the duty to exhaust domestic remedies is to protect the interests of States but , in the context of the protection of human rights , also because the institutions in Strasbourg regard the development of effective domestic mechanisms for their protection as a necessary concomitant of the international procedures : individuals are required to make use of what the national systems provide before invoking the international jurisdiction .
17 We owe another debt to the local English citizens who have restored and revitalized this building as a tangible memorial to those men .
18 The idea is to re-create the building as a 12-bed extension for the neighbouring and packed Stockton mission for the single homeless without losing its historical railway look .
19 I see the move into the people stage in building as a particular manifestation of the post — industrial culture , into which Western European societies will increasingly move .
20 Reflecting the great care taken by the architects to conserve and enhance the qualities of this former industrial building as a significant element in the metropolitan riverside scene , the project has received several awards , including a Doe Housing Design Award and a Civic Trust Award , both of which were presented in 1985 .
21 ‘ I have been at ITN for a long time and come from a traditional news background .
22 TELEVISION reporter Tim Ewart told last night how he left ITN for a new career at a rival station and then slowly realised it was all a terrible mistake .
23 The Nature Conservatory Council , who thankfully own Creag Meagaidh , have a couple of suggestions , including it being a monument to a lost lover or an old protection for a rowan tree .
24 The specific reason for the arrival of 252 Squadron was to provide long-range protection for a fast merchant vessel — the S.S. ‘ Parracombe ’ — on its way from Gibraltar , unescorted , carrying 21 crated Hurricanes and much needed cargo for the island , and also for a convoy of five fast freighters for Alexandria ( ‘ Tiger ’ convoy ) due to pass the island several days hence .
25 Pauper 's Grave For A Forgotten Genius
26 Blundell foresees equivalent advantages in transgenic plants for foods , fibres , energy products , pharmaceuticals , organic chemicals and construction materials — in short a return to agriculture as a major source of raw materials .
27 The NFU survey shows the devastating loss of a total of £6 million to our agriculture as a direct result of the MacSharry proposals .
28 The first person in Britain to receive a grant for a scientific study of the UFO phenomenon is a sociologist , Shirley Melver of York University .
29 In 1952 , a year after his one-man show at the Galerie Arnaud , he began to produce his large-scale monochromes , represented here by ‘ Color for a large wall ’ , loaned by the Museum of Modern Art , New York , and ‘ Kite II ’ , now at the Beaubourg .
30 They can become part of the drama itself — " Keeper of the Keys " , for example ( described in detail below ) can be used as a test of skill , part of the dramatic fiction , as a preparation for a great quest .
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