Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the last [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
2 Such was the hope for the last days , and this was the hope that the Christians had seen fulfilled since the resurrection and ascension of Jesus .
3 It is musically unrelated to The Art of Fugue , but its presence in this context — Bach dedicated his poignant revision of the piece during the last months of his life — is neither inapposite nor in any sense to be regretted .
4 Although James I may have begun to experience some doubts about the validity of the doctrine of predestination during the last months of his life , earlier in his reign he had given little if any encouragement to the Arminian caucus within his Calvinist church .
5 Goyigama Buddhists normally organized thefts in both areas , but Muslim or Sinhalese Roman Catholic traders usually took control of the animals for the last stages before the slaughterhouse .
6 The dialogue has just begun , but the process is irreversible — a process that will inevitably see the collapse of the last remnants of apartheid , and the emergence of a radically different society .
7 It was all the more remarkable given Franco 's condemnation , years earlier , of the loss of the last remnants of the Spanish empire , as he saw it , without a fight , and his disapproval of General Primo de Rivera 's decision to withdraw from Morocco in the 1920s .
8 Imro concluded that it was ‘ not good enough ’ — monitoring was applied over-literally , higher-risk members were less easy to identify , and the response to the crises of the last days was not adequate .
9 From the General Staffs ’ point of view , there were some bright patches in the otherwise sombre overcast of the last years of the 1950s .
10 And in the camera , when police eventually got round to checking , were 17 pictures of the last hours of their lives .
11 Winners of the last awards included projects relating to Roman saltworks , a history of Wivenhoe , and a conservation project in Harlow .
12 Other parts of the book deal with the last things on a global scale , both looking back and looking forward .
13 He had his beloved wife Helen by his side in the last days and hours of his life .
14 However , there was something feverish , even desperate , in the manner in which shoppers crowded into shops in the last days before Christmas .
15 Public concern about price liberalization had led to a wave of panic buying which had emptied shops in the last days of December .
16 Wages were pitiful and despite recovering somewhat in certain sectors in the last years before the war , they remained very low .
17 But Swindon had a similar close shave in the last seconds of full time as Philliskirk hit the crossbar and the game went into extra time .
18 Our Lord did indeed warn of persecutions , heresy and growing violence in the last days .
19 Theudebert I was already an active figure in the last years of his father 's reign , and he had the support of a military following , his leudes , with whose help he made good his claim to the throne .
20 Wimpey Construction UK , Eastern has just completed the £25 million centre , the largest building project to be completed in Milton Keynes in the last years .
21 The rise of the international business schools over the last decades and the substantial increase in the numbers of Third World students in the universities and technical institutes of the First World have provided an ever-increasing pool of potential local employees for the TNCs , and recruitment is brisk .
22 Parti démocratique sénégalais ( PDS — Senegalese Democratic Party , Abdoulaye Wade s. g. , the main opposition party ) ; in addition there are 15 smaller parties , none of which gained more than 1.5 per cent of the vote at the last elections .
23 They 'll be searching for a wooden stick with a thistle painted on it , and discussing the minutes of the last Rotarians ' whist drive subcommittee meeting .
24 The hurts of the last years run so deep they just could not be solved with AT&T involved .
25 Alfred Marshall , the leading economist of the last decades of the nineteenth century , provided new tools for analysing the economy and demonstrated that involuntary unemployment could occur .
26 There is no need to chronicle in detail the conflicts of the last years of O'Neill 's administration .
27 It is not until the death of Lowe , on September 30th 1467 , that we come to our next account in which a full description of the last hours of this Bishop are given .
28 And there is Gregory 's account of Guntram warning Childebert over the behaviour of Egidius , which is placed immediately before his description of the last days of Gundovald .
29 New measures against the Church — including the confiscation of monastic property , further restrictions on provision of religious instruction and on publications , the removal of the last nuns from any form a social or educational work , and interference with holy days and with the form of school prayers — were guaranteed to stir up antagonism and unrest in Catholic regions .
30 The story of the last decades of the British empire is thus the story not only of the attenuation of imperial control , but of the centralization of imperial authority .
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