Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] and after [art] " in BNC.

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1 The group can easily become a network of support during and after the course .
2 The company can expect to draw on the advice of many different specialists and institutions during and after the initial planning stage .
3 Even before the discussions during and after the Delors Report ( April 1989 ) , the French had largely accepted the German demand .
4 He had evoked in extreme measure and focused upon himself many irrational , but none the less real and strong , feelings of selfless devotion , sacrifice , and passionate commitment to a national ideal — emotions which had developed enormous , elemental force during and after the First World War .
5 Since 1914 millions of Russians had been on the move — four to five million away from the advancing armies of the Central Powers ; at least twelve million fleeing into exile during and after the Revolution ; the largest land army in the world manoeuvring , dying , and deserting from the longest front-line in history — to give the major examples alone , with very approximate numbers .
6 Both in these positions and as Chairman of the Wellcome Trust for 22 years , he had great influence on the development of medical research during and after the war .
7 The bad news is for members in Northern Ireland and Great Britain where , because of the continuing climate of increasing claims being encountered by all insurance companies , it has unfortunately been necessary to increase the rates by an average of 23% for all new business and policies falling due for renewal on and after the 1st May next .
8 These changes will take effect on all new business immediately and on all policies falling due for renewal on and after the 1st July next .
9 The 1976 act spoke of a person who died from ‘ personal injuries sustained by him ’ and Lord McCluskey said : ‘ In my view it is clear that the whole phrase is perfectly apt to include injuries inflicted to the person of a child immediately before his birth and continuing to have their effects on him by impairing his physical condition at and after the time of his birth .
10 Table 5 shows the result of a t-test ( related , 1-tailed ) comparing the error in pointing for condition B before and after the adaptation phase .
11 But standards of teaching were good ; just how good is shown by the large number of South African dancers who won leading positions in British companies before and after the 1939 war .
12 Maternity leave is a statutory 40 weeks maximum with fixed periods before and after the birth ( 11 weeks before and 29 weeks after ) .
13 Denver has also chosen to situate its Spanish Colonial and pre-Columbian installations on the same floor , with an emphasis on exploring continuities between periods before and after the Spanish Conquest , a politically delicate approach in the U.S. museum world .
14 The fully restored ‘ Yankee tank ’ is a direct copy of the famous ‘ lend-lease ’ engine that helped the allies marshal their supplies and manpower before and after the momentous D-Day invasion of Hitler 's Europe in June , 1944 .
15 To determine the tissue type plasminogen activator activity in the regional blood of rat stomach , a 200 µl blood sample was collected from the gastric vein before and after the injection of endothelin-1 which was then transferred to a glass container containing 10 µl disodium citrate dihydrate ( 0.13 M ) .
16 Clearly this important complication requires careful study with electrocephalography and psychometric testing before and after the procedure and longer term follow up .
17 Kim Il Sung reciprocated in an article warmly praising Soviet help before and after the agreement of 17 March 1949 .
18 I therefore decided to investigate my time management before and after the implementation of the scheme of DMR within my school .
19 In the dark days during and after the Exile the lesson was reiterated with the added weight of still more history .
20 Evidence for an increase in neurotransmitter release is derived from experiments that have measured the overflow of radiolabelled or endogenous L-glutamate from the hippocampus before and after the induction of LTP r50–52 .
21 For the most part , the growth of this dome was accompanied by intermittent Vulcanian activity , responsible for the loud explosions heard in St Pierre and for the ash that was showered down on the town before and after the fateful 8 May .
22 In my own study of sexual aspects of disability carried out on behalf of the Committee on Sexual Problems of the Disabled ( SPOD ) and the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs , close attention was paid to the sexual experience of the survey population before and after the onset of handicap .
23 Figure 6 shows the range of individual nadir pressures of transient UOS relaxations before and after the common cavity episode .
24 This may be called the ‘ monumental or Renaissance ’ , a style which made an enormous impact on ‘ townscapes ’ throughout Europe , especially in the years before and after the Great War .
25 Robert Brown , the great botanist who had studied the distribution of Australian plants on and after a voyage with Matthew Flinders , was the leading light there , with George Children as Keeper of Zoology ; but the Museum never fulfilled the role of the Parisian natural history museum , with its lectures and research school .
26 First , the winning of civil rights during and after the eighteenth century : in a number of important cases the courts developed the doctrine that the individual was free to do anything which was not made unlawful by a specific law ; and the corollary of this approach was that the state could not interfere with the civil and political liberties of its citizens ( in those days ‘ subjects ’ ) unless the government could persuade Parliament to pass legislation authorising the interference .
27 Photographs are often shown of the slimmer before and after the diet , and indeed , the marvellous effects are there for us all to see .
28 They were also asked to note details of the situations and their feelings before and after the bingeing .
29 establishment of a system ‘ piloted ’ in second semester 1993 , of scrutinising courses prior to ‘ validation ’ and thus providing support and advice to both validation panels and course teams before and after the validation event ;
30 Andersson measured the attractive power of the 36 males before and after the treatment ; and , to everyone 's delight , the number of nests on the territories of the artificially-lengthened males ' territories was higher ( Figure 8.6 ) .
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