Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may be you see that the manufacturing flavour of the past two years was to do with the pre er Common Market period getting inside the European Union ring fence with the manufacturing plant and there is speculation as to whether that will now change that the Common Market is now established and that that window of opportunity for manufacturing has tended to recede suggesting that it may be erm administrative er er services service sector that erm these international companies would now want inside the Union .
2 More empirically however , on the other hand , and drawing upon the work of Peter Bürger , Callinicos accepts the case for Modernism having contained a critical moment — a ‘ protest against the capitalist society to which it is in complex ways related ’ ( p. 53 ) .
3 And without Malcolm , the excuse for conquest had gone .
4 Given the lack of development in many rural areas it is not surprising that the dependency of rural workers on agriculture for employment has remained , nor that so many school-leavers take a job on the land even though they have no intention of remaining there if the choice to leave should present itself .
5 The white official parliamentary opposition Conservative Party leader , Andries Treurnicht , said in a strongly worded statement that de Klerk 's plans for change had plunged whites into " a struggle for our freedom " to defend " our people 's claim to its own country and right to self-government " .
6 But the environmental and economic cases for reprocessing have faded .
7 Its struggle for existence has taken in 20 years of Fascism and six years of wartime occupation .
8 More than 400 district council seats have been filled and although support for Alliance has improved , the anticipated fall in support for the DUP did not materialise .
9 In some instances proposals for action had lain on the table of the Council of Ministers ( the body which makes Community law ) since the early 1970s !
10 Usually these projections for inflation have underestimated the out-turn so that ‘ unintended ’ cuts have been imposed in programmes .
11 Since then , the fortunes of the party and Mr Peres as leader have gone downhill .
12 However , it should be some consolation to the hon. Gentleman and the hon. Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) that in the past five years the average sentence for rape has increased by 70 per cent .
13 The murder trial jury heard how Carter at the time serving a sentence for robbery had subjected Darren Brook to a ‘ barbaric ’ ordeal , which included forcing him to write a suicide note .
14 Raising money for charity has got to be worthwhile .
15 Strategies for control have included the compulsory sale of 51 per cent of the share capital in the businesses nationalized by Tanzania 's Arusha Declaration in 1967 , the compulsory sale of the majority of share capital by all large companies in Nigeria from 1974 to 1977 , and the ‘ creeping sale ’ of 20 per cent of issued share capital in the Ivory Coast required from 1975 onwards ( achieved by issuing new equity ) .
16 ‘ Right-hand man ’ is a complimentary description , whereas the Latin for left has become ‘ sinister ’ , and the French for left has become ‘ gauche ’ .
17 In California all three candidates for governor have promised to keep the gas chamber busy .
18 As its image as an independent search for truth has changed , scientists have had mixed reactions .
19 Darwin 's work shows how little scientific thinking about dreaming has changed over two centuries , and its popularity and deep influence during his own lifetime ensured that these rationalist ideas became an accepted part of literary as well as scientific ideology .
20 Because prescriptions for atenolol have increased since 1983 , we repeated the analysis , including data up to December 1990 .
21 Yes , Chair , as as as as some management will probably know , erm , the Department for Environment has had an efficiency scrutiny report , on the local government superannuation scheme , and the finance sub-committee er agree County Treasurer 's proposals for comment on that , as it were , since the recommendations of the Scrutiny Report are set out there in paragraph one three of the report before .
22 I I accept that er the government guidance as Miss has suggested and reinforced by Mr does suggest a policy is that there should be that er increased level er of detail erm in the structure plan .
23 Although industry now requires fewer workers per unit of factory floorspace , its actual demands for floorspace have increased .
24 The numbers of those on the waiting lists for housing has grown rapidly , as have the numbers of homeless in Britain .
25 Hugo had been perfectly happy to talk at length on the Margie Llewellyn Show about the days when he had played on the streets of the Bronx , and how in this unlikely setting a talent for sketching had developed into an interest in designing clothes .
26 There , as here , the applicant for accommodation had begun proceedings in the county court , claiming that the local authority were in breach of their duty to provide accommodation for him .
27 But there were also cases which held that the applicant for mandamus had to show that some legal right of his or hers had been infringed by the challenged decision .
28 His zest for living had to encompass even the risk of dying .
29 The funding was running down , clumps of weed had pushed up between the paving slabs , and whole layers of rendering were falling off the façades of the buildings , giving them a seedy , leprous aspect .
30 The wheel of fortune has turned up trumps and offers you a handsome payola today .
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