Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [num] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It found that the company 's true deficit for 1982 was some 200 billion ( CEFE 1984 : 22 ) , a sum equal to roughly 1 per cent of GDP , and that , unless it was checked , it could reach 400 billion pesetas or even higher by 1986 .
2 A sad loss during 1963 was that of a most distinguished Old Stopfordian , Professor Sir Maurice Powicke .
3 ‘ … there can be no doubt that the general economic background for the chemical industry in 1992 is less than buoyant ’ , said Freeman .
4 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
5 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
6 The Gang of Four were all keenly pro-Europe : Labour policy was to leave the EEC .
7 Topical subjects ( particularly for the media ) such as the cases of insider dealing uncovered , supervision of the Stock Exchange , and the crash of 1987 are all investigated .
8 D'Offay is also showing twenty-two recent charcoal drawings , including a new railway subject , by leading British figure painter Leon Kossoff ( 4 February-6 March ) , whose previous exhibition of oil paintings at the gallery in 1988 was such a powerful demonstration of his talents .
9 Although the number of cases of sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) in the UK in 1992 was half that in 1991 ( 456 vs 912 , respectively ) , SIDS remains the commonest cause of death in babies older than 1 week .
10 NATO as a military alliance in 1950 was little more than an empty shell .
11 Another factor which made Russian foreign policy different in kind from that of the other Great Powers in 1880 was that , like Great Britain ( with whom she often came into conflict over them ) , she had great extra-European interests , both in the Far East and central Asia , where her territories , influence and commerce had been growing steadily for twenty years .
12 The second body seen by Cobbe in 1857 was that of a Miss Johnson who had died of phthisis aged twenty-four at the Lock Hospital in 1774 .
13 Because the people around one are all the best at something else in the universe .
14 Perhaps the nearest parallel since 1945 is that of the pieds noirs , loyalist French settlers in Algeria who returned embittered and extreme in their politics to France after De Gaulle 's settlement of the civil war with the Arab FLN .
15 For example : The library furniture in 1981 was that which was provided on the opening of the school .
16 The reorganisation of local government in 1974 was another event which undoubtedly accentuated the general tendency for local expenditure to grow .
17 One of the problems in evaluating the changes brought about by the Conservative government since 1979 is that of disentangling long term trends from the direct effects of policy initiatives .
18 The explosive issues of 1989-91 are those created in Europe and , I am tempted to add , in the Middle East , by the collapse of the multi-ethnic Habsburg , Ottoman and Russian empires in 1917-18 , and the nature of the postwar peace settlements in respect of their successor states .
19 There have been smiths for very many years and it seems likely that workings excavated at Killellan by Colin Burgess in 1974 were those of a bronze age smith .
20 The pie baked to celebrate Queen Victoria 's golden jubilee in 1887 was another health hazard .
21 One demand made during the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536 was that entry fines should not exceed the value of two years ' rent , so it is likely that by this time , when a rising population was creating a shortage of land , some landlords were seeking more .
22 It may well be the case — as some commentators have observed , perhaps unduly cynically — that the economic and political situation in 1979 was such that it mattered little what the government tried to control as long as they showed determination and resolve to control something ; the money supply happened to be both a convenient and a relevant variable at that time .
23 The present situation in 1990 is that would-be members can become provisional members by the following means ; by being offered an engagement by any company or management which operates under the ‘ Quota ’ system by agreement with Equity and the Theatre Managers ' Association .
24 How much more positively our great-granddaughters will have changed the world by 2092 is another story .
25 The details regarding the first pie in 1788 are few , but it was served and eaten by the villagers in Cliffe Stile Field .
26 Among the casualties at Assandun in 1016 were several important East Anglians and doubtless a large number of lesser people .
27 The bitter lesson that Nizan learned to his cost in 1939 was that moral integrity and political reality rarely coincide .
28 The worst fact of 1987 was that without the Foot and Falklands factors , Labour only reduced the Tory lead from 5 to 3¾ million .
29 The milieu in which I met James in 1975 was that of the florid young Lord Alexander Hesketh , undoubtedly the last figure of unbridled fun ever to have competed in what is now a grimmish , strictly money-oriented sport .
30 Crude production in 1982 was some 15 million tonnes with demand at 8 million tonnes and oil provides some 93% of commercial energy needs .
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