Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Did n't think you could , anyway you tie a piece of cotton onto the pin with a button on the end of it .
2 The opposition , a diverse and mostly respectable group of people who have been clamouring for a bit of say in the new Kuwait , did not get even a token position .
3 unless we were just kind of indulge in a conversation and we did n't see it
4 ‘ Budgie is one of Amy 's favourite drummers , and he brought in an African tribal kind of feel to the album .
5 Tap D for Delete in the Command Menu ( not Del for Delete on the keyboard , and not Transfer Delete in the Command Area ! )
6 Mr Crowley was amazed to find industry and leisure cheek-by-jowl in Langbaurgh without buffer zones as exist in the south .
7 Dittmar , incredibly , tried a backhand volley return of serve into the side-wall nick .
8 You should pay particular attention to the dual needs of Tack as an owner and as a manager .
9 And it 's a bit of a nonsense to say that pigeons perch in trees you may see an odd pigeon sort of settle in a tree but not for long .
10 Perhaps you 'd like to sit down rather than sort of hover at the back , it 's up to you entirely but you may feel that you 're slightly uncomfortable .
11 Yes you just write over the top , sort of write over the top of it and it raises off
12 I ai n't seen this series I just sort of remember from the last series .
13 You sort of creep into a corner and hope she does n't see you .
14 she 'll be sort of liaise between the police , the court and the erm prosecuting service
15 our royalty is erm we sort of put on a pedestal and if you look at other European countries who still have royal families , they 're a bit more down to earth , some of them Europe go on bicycles and they do n't need , erm , all the limousines .
16 Yes , so I wondered whether if , I think we should take that up er , it does seem extraordinary that a big thing like that is , is sort of put in the odds and ends column .
17 It makes everything look sort of fuzzy , and when cars drive past , their lights sort of fill up the street .
18 Erm y'know that that sort of thing when they when they y'know when they might be , when they feel when they feel that some some other bloke 's making an approach to them , when they feel that er y'know erm somebody finds them attractive , when they think that some other bloke has made a pass at them or something like that y'know they sort of react in a hostile way but y'know there 's that suspicion that mm er y'know kind of er it 's because they 're insecure about their masculinity , it 's because they feel threatened or something like that .
19 Oh no no no , I mean I 'm alright if I sort of get on a a straight because oh these that are coming out
20 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
21 But it does please me that we fight back , I like that , but it displeases me the way we sort of go under a little bit .
22 erm you know kind of er call that a first draft and then sort , you know , sort of try and sort of go through the books again and stick a few references in to back up the points you 've made so you can see it relates to other people 's evidence erm trying to go through it again and knock out the well you know what I mean kind of statements and , and , you know , you can gradually sort of make the er grad you know sort of but again it 's , it 's , it 's one of these processes that I find , you know , you need to go through again and again and again to sort of get it er get it together erm so erm
23 And he 's come back and sort of go round the back cos that other fellow sort of he came down
24 But it 's not easy I mean you know I was reading an article ages ago a few months ago actually and saying you know if you think about it the sort of revolution was over a year ago and still the government has n't done anything about it and I mean like a lot of provisions that have been brought into Romania sort of go in the front door and out of the back door and you know they sort of sent those of supplies like contraceptions and things like that for the women and overlap
25 You grab your partner by the waist and sort of waddle for a bit , then stamp four times , hard with each foot , on the ground .
26 I thought great , I thought , I thought everybody else sort of cringe about the way that maybe they were over power dressed .
27 you know it does n't they they do n't erm sort of exist in the social security system like the rest of us do ,
28 Individually they are hard to spot , they sort of melt into the crowd .
29 I 'd like to stay here on the floor but there 's cars beeping at me and I think I 'm lying in the road , so I push myself up and sort of crawl to the pavement .
30 So with logs , if you can draw a picture and Do n't just sort of look at a picture in a book there 's a graph of Y equals log X. Do it yourself .
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