Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Thus Bukharin had come to recognise that the bureaucratic stratum which had coalesced around Stalin now posed an incomparably greater threat to his vision of the transition to socialism than the opposition of Trotsky ever did .
2 The statute of Carlisle effectively did this and as well it barred English and foreign religious from carrying money out of the realm .
3 ‘ Those people in warm offices in Brussels just do n't understand what the climate is like here .
4 Reddy acknowledges objections that rewarded gifting might delay the development of a cadaver transplant programme , but argues that as ‘ the medical , legal , economic , technological , and logistic infrastructure required to set up such a programme in India simply does not exist … is the payment of money to a willing , informed adult , who happens to be poor and needy , so unethical or immoral that it alone determines whether people should be allowed to live or die ? ’
5 Beyond the immediate challenge of German U-Boat warfare , France 's resolute defence of Verdun probably did as much as anything to pave the way , emotionally , to the United States ' entry into the war in April 1917 .
6 TENDERS to carry out ground maintenance work in Langbaurgh currently done by about 25 council employees are being invited by the borough council .
7 ‘ So , in the name of God why do you want me ? ’ demanded Gabriel in exasperation .
8 Units within 12″ of Azhag therefore do n't test .
9 The trouble with All Fools ' Day is that every newspaper story suddenly looks suspect , but we assure subscribers that IBM Corp really is paying Louis Gerstner all that money it ca n't afford , that the sports shop that sells guns in Kingston really did close early and the UK government is considering a Congestion Charge , but we confess that we have no evidence that the next computer industry consortium will be a catch-all called Computer Industry .
10 Well it 's got here A , is her enormous breasts which she displayed while stripping right , well the answer is A and it 's got her affair with , with the Governor of Louisiana where do they want , oh yeah
11 The British Government have become spineless jellyfish who seem prepared to stand back and watch these Marxist death squads murdering their way through the people of Ulster not doing anything too ‘ adventurous ’ in case they upset friends in Dublin .
12 People like Walter always do get on well with children . ’
13 Our month in Borneo certainly did n't feel like an organised holiday .
14 He said : ‘ There is not one club in Britain that can be compared to this one — the trouble is people in England just do n't realise that .
15 This mental state may indicate the remedy on its own , like the emotional state of Chamomilla often does but there may be none of it apparent and yet the physical symptoms would still indicate its use .
16 Some inhabitants of Attica perhaps did not bother much with either deme or polis politics : the country house below the cave of Pan at Vari ( the ancient deme of Anagyruus ) , whose remains were cleared and studied by the British School at Athens and published in 1973 , gives an impression of self-sufficiency — there is copious archaeological evidence for bee-keeping at the Vari villa — and peace , a long way from the speechmakers of the Pnyx .
17 In spite of the heat she climbed the supposed three hundred and sixty-five steps to the Calvary , losing count around the end of April so did n't know if it was true or not .
18 One of the problems is that the army of inflation forecasters in the City of London simply do not believe that the corner on inflation has been turned so easily .
19 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
20 But this was the real world , and young women like Shelley just did n't fit in with men like Miguelito .
21 A lot of the others like McWhirter just do n't seem to care .
22 Policy-making for Banstead clearly did not fulfil the autarchic ideal of mutual adjustment or joint planning between agencies to develop a pan-authority range of services .
23 Last month a thirty-foot stretch of the walls of Urbino actually did fall down , provoking a ritual wailing and breast-beating in the Italian press last heard when the bell tower of Pavia cathedral collapsed in 1989 , killing three bystanders .
24 The Isle of Man currently does not tax non-resident holding companies .
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