Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
2 ‘ We want to free as much money for programmes as we can . ’
3 People did n't have money for taxis so we took limousines .
4 Cla some of class seven enjoyed the story that much story about seals before we came in .
5 Second , these principles should then lead us on a successful search for phenomena that we had not observed previously .
6 There is an essential interdependency between businesses and we must strive to build a partnership with our customers and to establish long term relationships with them .
7 Theyll have to give us the trophy for keeps if we win it again in the next quarter century .
8 He 'd read books about murders and we talked about them for years .
9 They would n't add up to the sorts of things that we 've got .
10 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
11 They played I mean all sorts of games that we played they do n't play today .
12 There would be erm the possibility of the unitary authorities themselves getting together to prepare joint structure plans , so in as , as , instead of having a joint authority with er members joining in , in one committee to oversee the preparation of the plan , there would be individual authorities er working to their own committees with members er operating separately , but preparing through that mechanism a joint structure plan and the third option would be for each authority itself to prepare a unitary development plan , incorporating both strategic policies and the sorts of policies that we are currently seeing and familiar with in local plans .
13 I think that might be slightly different in terms of the environment , but nonetheless I think there is a way of encouraging children to think about and to be thoughtful about the sorts of choices that we make in life and the effects of our behaviour , without overwhelming them with the sense that it in fact is their responsibility .
14 Er we showed him one or two examples of similar sorts of presentations that we 'd had from other railway and outside organizations , er explained what we 'd done in the past , said that we were looking to get something more up-market and more erm professional , which was why we were looking to er er seek er quotes from er g graphics designers , linked in with printers .
15 erm arguing and er they was going on about this because if Mrs went to a farm and then said that she saw some hens there that did n't look particularly fit erm and said they 'd got to be culled and if the farmer thought otherwise then we got into all sorts of tangles because we knew nothing about poultry .
16 I draw his attention to the fact that we are now net exporters of televisions whereas we were net importers under the Labour party and to the fact that motor output has been expanding in recent years whereas it was declining under Labour .
17 The photographer had long since gone , but Kevin Seymour and I pored over the yacht 's considerable folio of charts while we discussed in detail the cruises that have been sketched in so lightly in the previous paragraphs .
18 What the , I believe committees have never had and least of all Mr papers produced on behalf of Mr have never had a serious rigorous objective assessment of the vacancy situation of the future which first of all starts from issue a rolling programme of refurbishments that we have n't really seen sight of the of the implications of that on the number of vacancies .
19 It was just on a minute on page seventy-nine , I think we want to get the support of local M Ps , one a has I think , has been just indicated , is contradictory , it might be better to say , ‘ although the document indicated that local authorities would be expected to undertake extra , an extra , or extra duties , the resources needed are , no indication was given of how there would be extra resources , or something like that , you see it 's contradictory at the moment , it says there 's no indication of the role , and then says that they would need resources , and actually if you look through the document , you will see from time-to-time it is indicated what local authorities are expected to do , for instance recycling of litter and the lot , and I think that that might be actually picked up by M P's and say , ‘ Well , what actually have you , do you mean to say ’ , well , what we 're really saying , are we not , that here is an indication of things that we 're expected to do , but as usual , of course , the government has n't indicated what erm where the resources were coming from .
20 We were representatives of so many branches of sciences that we used to speak of ourselves , in a jocular way , as a British Association , in miniature , for the amusements of science .
21 Mainlan GTI now comes in a Windows flavour as well as DOS , and it 's the Windows side of things that we 'll examine — the DOS software echoes it fairly closely .
22 Peregrine said : " We do not know the effect of waves and we can not estimate what we should build " .
23 We had come in search of raptors and we saw our first after only five minutes of walking .
24 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
25 So we a number of us went away with lists of topics that we were going to write erm two hundred and fifty or so words about .
26 Another way in which pre-existing knowledge is important in discourse interpretation is in the drawing of inferences and we will end this chapter with a brief discussion of some of the research on this very complex topic .
27 So a modern sexual dimorphism is explicable in terms of erm inter-male er conflict and it may be in the case of human beings er most of them are , for example the larger body weight of males that we saw when we looked at sexual dimorphism in human beings is probably explicable erm in terms of inter-male conflict like it is in chimpanzees .
28 In between interviews with ‘ Men of grass ’ and ‘ Interpot reports ’ were editorials denouncing addiction , suggesting , as Tom McGrath had in November 1966 , that ‘ if we ever get round to doing full serious research into drugs as we must do soon — we might find that no one will want to use them again' ; opposing moves to a US-style approach to addiction ; and advising on ways to help junkies .
29 It is as if there is an element of delayed action with centesimals and we have no means of knowing what the final extent of reaction will be without waiting .
30 We are not prepared to stand by and let schools in areas that we represent get closed or re-organised or whatever , at the expense of small village schools , which should be re-organised , or re-rationalised before schools in large urban areas .
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