Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pers pn] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
2 ‘ Almost certainly this was a very unlucky blow for her and for him , ’ he said .
3 Tirana home service radio initially denounced the hunger strike as having " nothing to do with a loyal strike struggle " , but in subsequent days the radio detailed the hunger strikers ' demands and deteriorating health , and by June 1 had swung round to emotional support for them and for the UITUA .
4 Ltd. he and his brother were made directors , but there was apparently some friction between them and in 1882 he resigned and set up in practice on his own as a consultant .
5 He was inexperienced and little known before he was propelled into the highest office by his friends ' ambition for him and by the deadlock between Long and Chamberlain in 1911 .
6 Because I know a great deal about you and about your past .
7 My main opposition in the final was Phil Brown from Birmingham , already an established international and the man who over the next decade or so was to be a team-mate of mine and to be the British anchorman in some very fine 4 × 400 metres relay performances .
8 Lancaster 's objections to the regime , however , were concerned just as much with domestic affairs : he criticized the queen for her greed and acquisitiveness , singling out for special mention her appropriation of the lordship of Pontefract which had been held by Earl Thomas in right of his wife , He complained that the treasure left by Edward II had been ‘ wastede and born away withouten the wille of Kyng Edwarde his sone , in destruccioun of him and of his folk ’ , and proposed that Mortimer ‘ shouldd dwelle oppon his owen landes ’ .
9 Hypocrisy of this kind is familiar to us all , from our own practice of it and from our knowledge of it in others , whether real people or fictional characters , such as the puritan ministers in Ben Jonson 's The Alchemist .
10 And when he came into the Pincushion Room and rested his elbows on the window-ledge , he would look out of the window at the garden bright with midsummer sun or bathed in moonlight and think , all this is mine , that garden , that fruit cage within the flint walls , that lake , the Little Wood , as far as I can see on either side of me and in front of the house and behind , all that is mine …
11 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
12 This necessity of the pace of social and industrial change has its implications for teaching method : the student must increasingly develop and practise the skills of enquiry and discovery , in order to experience the confidence and pleasure of it and to be able to make fullest use of " recurrent education " possibilities and requirements in later life .
13 I felt the jolt in his chest as I hugged it in rhythm against mine and for a long second could n't believe it , but then he heaved again in my arms and coughed in my face and a mouthful of dirty water shot out in a spout and he began coughing in earnest and choking and gasping for air … gasping , gulping air down , wheezing in his throat , whooping like whooping cough , struggling to fill his functioning lungs .
14 She sang solo against the humming of the male voices behind her and against the organ counterpoint .
15 Primaflora appeared in the doorway behind him and by instinct , it seemed , he knew it and turned round .
16 And although we may concentrate attention on teachers ' socially regulated selves , " their own descriptions of their feelings about pupils , and their relationships with them and with their colleagues remind us that the regressive , passionate and unruly aspects of human nature are always present in the classroom and may sometimes escape from rational control " ( 1989 : 203 ) .
17 Erm if we actually look erm and I do n't know if we did introduce to all members Bryony who is my assistant and who works very largely on the programme with me and on the educational and events side , and is acting minute secretary while Judith is on maternity leave .
18 … the primal father had prevented his sons from satisfying their directly sexual impulsions ; he forced them into abstinence and consequently into emotional ties with him and with one another which could arise out of those of their impulsions that were inhibited in their sexual aim … .
19 The little stone winked like a red star in the firelight and Carrie thought of Mrs Gotobed , suddenly ; of the time she 'd had tea with her and of the way the flames danced in her rings as she stroked the silk of her dress .
20 Just as surely as , Jesus had an interview with Pilate in the judgement hall so now he has an interview with you and with me .
21 But how many other bands release a third single from an album with three new songs on it and at least one of which is good enough to be an A-side ?
22 In working on these activities the class had worked systematically and persistently ; they had collaborated in pairs and groups ; they had identified patterns and structures in the sequences ; they had made predictions and tested them ; they had explained and justified their reasoning to me and to each other ; they had worked practically to understand the sequence and how it could model a real life situation .
23 He started up at my scream and I saw the dark blood on him and on me .
24 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
25 Our openness to them and to our real selves are brought to our celebration and ministry of the Eucharist .
26 Our thanks to them and to everyone who gave so generously of their time and money to help us through this difficult time .
27 Finally he took the bass part of some airs of Handel … and played the most beautiful melody on it and in such a manner that everyone was amazed .
28 It was supremely indifferent , but , even as it burned into her like acid , her fingers were plunging into the midnight darkness of his hair as she invited his kiss again , the tumult of his mouth on hers and in it already a necessity , wildness running in her veins , the heavy aching beat of desire unchecked at the deep core of her womanhood .
29 Part of the problem is that most of us do n't know very much about mental illness and we tend to see very negative images around us and on television .
30 Your leading guard hand curls under the opponent 's Achilles tendon and draws the trapped foot towards you and to the side .
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