Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , institutions for long-term care for elderly people in many countries consist of nursing homes and relatively few have the numbers of long-stay hospital beds evident in the United Kingdom .
2 Surely there is no convention that judges may adjust their views about legal rights for purely strategic reasons .
3 In short , to remove the entitlement for legal aid for this entire area of work .
4 In the 13th year of Edward I , Adam de Bavent obtained a grant for free warren for his lands in Halling .
5 The Council has agreed to a request from British Rail for financial help for the scheme .
6 Last week , the Chief Executive of the NHS stated that there were already indications from Regional Health Authorities about potential hospitals for ’ opting out . ’
7 Activities were , as always in NHS management , varied as to geographical spread and personal commitment , but , in the main , there was a clear division between local effort for local benefit , and central sponsorship for the general good .
8 Most GPs have little or no opportunity for heroic intervention for , generally speaking , life-threatening illness is referred immediately to hospital .
9 Many of the full-time courses include opportunity for short-term release for industrial experience and some are organized on a more clearly defined ‘ sandwich ’ basis .
10 Indeed , given the fact that there are only a couple of dozen companies quoted on the exchange , the opportunity for follow-on business for DEC is looking limited in the short term , despite its apparent enthusiasm to off-load a VAX 6000 .
11 the opportunity for personal development for all
12 ‘ Set-aside could be a unique opportunity for improving farmland for wild game , but unfortunately the present proposals may not be realising their full potential for gamebirds and other wildlife , ’ he added .
13 The purpose of the surveys is to expose consensus and conflicts about popular values for green spaces close to the city .
14 I hope that if my right hon. and hon. Friends can not accept the case for regional banding for London and the south , they will reconsider the problems that the revenue support grant can produce for London .
15 She had brought a case for legal compensation for her dead children 's lives and for her own suffering and one of her few recorded public utterances was to call the first offer of compensation " pitiful " .
16 Perhaps Bruce Kent 's critics should take a leaf out of the book of the nuclear lobby , which goes out of its way to substantiate the case for nuclear power for civil purposes .
17 The case for fair voting for all elections , to bring together communities and encourage cooperation , and for a Bill of Rights to protect individuals , is even more pressing in Northern Ireland than it is in the rest of the UK .
18 British Defence policy , unlike her grand strategy , is written , re-written , written about and debated annually in the Defence White Papers , in which the government of the day makes its case for military expenditure for the coming year .
19 Our workshop , on Staff Development for Language Teachers in Secondary Schools , although highlighting the informal possibilities which can be developed by committed teachers operating collectively wherever they happen to be working , was not intended to weaken the case for proper provision for community languages with proper validation of the existing expertise .
20 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
21 If budget allocations for regions and districts are made on the basis of continuing existing spending patterns , this need will be overlooked , as most authorities do not have adequate provision for post-hospital care for elderly people .
22 To take one example , there is no provision for independent representation for pupils aged under 18 in respect of appeals concerning reinstatement following permanent exclusion .
23 When I was a player , I 'd go into his office and we 'd talk contract for five minutes about other things for 30 minutes . ’
24 Sir Nicholas has also been in trouble with the Board of Deputies for British Jews for describing the Band Aid organiser and singer Bob Geldof as ‘ a self-advertising Jew ’ .
25 Until then there had been widespread sympathy for Polish aspirations for greater autonomy ‘ and the government had moved cautiously in that direction .
26 Therefore , although it was a little slower in use , no time was lost in the field through frequent breaks for sharpening with the rub-stone as were needed with both swap-hook and scythe .
27 A HAIRDRESSING lecturer yesterday made a plea for new customers for the college beauty salon .
28 Plea for new helpers for ‘ shared care ’ scheme
29 She wrote no books , but her strong views on education were expressed in her evidence in 1894 to the Bryce commission on secondary education ; in her speeches at educational conferences ; and in her pamphlets , especially ‘ The Education of the Majority ’ ( a plea for middle schools for boys and girls between the ages of twelve and sixteen ) , ‘ The Training of Teachers ’ , and ‘ A National Education and its Application to Wales ’ .
30 They reacted as Councillor Jill Sweeting made a heartfelt plea for special help for her slump-hit town and called on the Government to release funds for new houses for the homeless .
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