Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Having talked for an hour about wild animals the teacher posed a question to one of her class .
2 And without the new grant for golden hellos the World would have lost its research workers .
3 It clearly implies a world order in which the prime virtue is obedience , not a world order that 's exactly to our twentieth century democratic taste , but then after all not a world order altogether to Milton 's taste , as we can remind ourselves by thinking of his plea for unlicensed printing the Areopagitica .
4 In another example of the struggle for legislative supremacy the resolution was immediately overruled by the Russian Federation government , which , pending its own resolution , ordered sale of all goods on the list suspended , thus creating widespread confusion .
5 CASH-STARVED Victim Support schemes in Cleveland have won an important ally in their fight for increased funding the county 's Chief Constable .
6 It is worth saying that in all recent discussions about eastern Europe the former Soviet Union — viewed at one time as a Great Red Hope for ELT — is barely mentioned .
7 ( 2 ) In an action for malicious falsehood the plaintiff has to prove malice as part of his cause of action ; this is not so in the case of defamation. ( 3 ) Damage is not presumed in the case of malicious falsehood as it is in libel .
8 Apparently because of the public nature of policing activities , the House of Lords has held that in a tort action for false imprisonment the question of whether the police acted reasonably in arresting a person suspected of having committed an arrestable offence is to be judged according to public law principles of reasonableness .
9 £250,000 cash deal for Scots ensemble The sponsorship should have further-reaching effects , providing music away from the concert hall — the Ensemble plans 20 concerts annually in hospitals and hospices Sponsorship from British Telecom has opened a whole new horizon for the 11-piece Scottish Ensemble , says Mary Miller
10 For criteria about knowledge of the relationships between metric units the difficulty factors concern the nature of the required answer — whether it is a whole number , a half or a decimal such as -0 or 00 .
11 The NUAAW leadership has remained understandably wary of submerging their members ' interests in those of a larger union , for there are fears that in supporting urban demands for cheap food the TGWU might not always serve the best interests of farm workers .
12 It was true that it followed close on a humiliation for British arms the loss of the fortress of Tobruk in North Africa and the withdrawal of the Eighth Army to the Egyptian frontier .
13 £14m aid for bombed gallery THE Italian senate has approved £14m for repairs to Florence 's 400-year-old Uffizi art gallery , badly damaged by a car bomb last month .
14 Consequently , even if the desulphate ester of PABA-UDCA is disulphated at the 3α position by bacterial action after oral administration the 7 β-monosulphate ester of PABA-UDCA formed can be resistant to bacterial transformation resulting in no absorption from the gut and rapid excretion into faeces .
15 This consists of : The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Although there is no legal requirement for companies to comply with SSAP9 , auditors will expect the financial accounts of companies to meet the guidelines laid down .
16 Thus , according to the British consul , writing in 1873 , after four centuries of Turkish rule the commercial life was contemptible , ‘ plums being the most valuable article of trade in the province ’ .
17 In an effort to tighten up the administration of poor relief the Local Government Board issued a circular in 1871 to the effect that outdoor relief should not be granted to the able-bodied widow with one child .
18 In the administration of criminal justice the principle of independence from the wishes of government is of supreme importance .
19 The earlier the administration of thrombolytic therapy the greater the frequency of early reperfusion and the greatest potential for the salvage of myocardium .
20 By observing their speed of apparent movement the traveller can calculate their distance from the train . ’
21 To the prejudiced eyes of land-bound humans the oceans seem like one continuous mass , homogeneous as outer space .
22 Which could be seen as a good thing ; after all , in the eyes of sceptical guitarists the GR-1 could stand or fall on its immediate user-friendly appeal .
23 For the fry of large cichlids the food need not be this fine and one method to produce a powder fine enough is described below .
24 Possibly inspired by Hilbert 's ( 1899 ) full axiomatisation of Euclidean geometry the 20th Century began with many attempts to find independent sets of axioms for fields and for groups , the main worker being E V Huntington around 1902–5 .
25 Warning that without it and a massive programme of private investment the reform movement could fail , he cautioned that " there will be no second try " .
26 Through its programme of regular seminars the Institute also acts as a forum for discussion and exploration of matters of common concern to leading academic , legal and business figures in Scotland and their European counterparts .
27 To facilitate the study of Roman houses the following list of common terms is given .
28 Herbert Gans in his study of American suburbia The Levittowners reports that boredom and loneliness affect women more than men , because of the women 's housebound role .
29 Since he was practising alternative medicine under the guise of orthodox medicine the committee believed that he had misled his patients and that this amounted to professional misconduct .
30 The possibility of soft ground is failing to deter supporters of French raider The Fellow .
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