Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [conj] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Editor read the cable through and asked what steps I proposed to take .
2 She darted past him and opened the door that led to the store-room , then helped somewhat ineffectually as he dragged the mattress through and hefted it on to a stack of boxes .
3 Written up details of recycling campaigning experience for and sent it to .
4 I paid Barry the fifteen dollars we had agreed on for a small , black Andean Equipment daysack to keep my new notebooks in and left him selling jewellery to his tour group .
5 In years she was senior to everyone including the infrequently seen Charlie ; as mother hen to the dancing girls she 'd taken Lucy in and allowed her to feel at home in a matter of hours .
6 Pietersen , a kindly man , invited the apparition in and made him welcome .
7 The first boy says he 's never had vegge burgers before and thought it would be a good idea to try them .
8 Lyn put the ring on and said it was a perfect fit .
9 We sang all the most common songs and our Christmas carol of our own , which we wrote the words to and illustrated our own booklet to give out to people .
10 Gina came in , switched the light on and woke him up .
11 He then put the shoes on and laced them up .
12 I put the bracelet on and waved my arm to show them .
13 ‘ This way , ’ Miss Honey said , and she opened the gate and led Matilda through and closed it again .
14 Mr Bryant sacked the clerk but Jonathan kept Matthew on and told him he would have to pay all the money back out of his wages , so much a month . ’
15 Gower put West Indies in and watched them score 249 in 46 overs , thanks in part to a very fast outfield .
16 He called David and I in and said he had read the scripts and thought they were terrible .
17 Of the Information and Technology Department by British Aerospace , and that thanks is not used from Apex , it 's also from M S S at or acknowledged it was your efforts and not their that brought that conference about .
18 He moved and the slaves cowered back , as if , thought Nuadu , they had witnessed the next part before and feared it even more than the mutilating of the boy .
19 She put sixty P in and lost it
20 Did you say anything to the effect that Lawrence was being harboured at the flat at or did he merely say he was concerned for the safety of the occupier ?
21 " Now let me see myself in a glass , " Sara said eventually , and when one was brought gave a gasp of surprise , because she had not worn the high collar before or had her hair braided , and although these strange garments were a little uncomfortable and restricting she could n't help admiring the slashed sleeves , the low , square neck and the wonderful wide skirt that swept the stone floor .
22 Letting Gomez loose , Trent heaved a loop of his neck rope in and tied it to the fishing-line , leaving enough slack so that the strain was off Gomez 's legs .
23 So Middleton did two sorties I believe , and on each occasion he brought back an aircraft that was no longer capable of flying and was a write-off , it had so much flak and fighter damage , When the same thing happened a second time I had Middleton in and told him that one of his problems was his navigator who was just not able to navigate him round the very heavy flak areas .
24 He pulled the garment on and zipped it up .
25 He 'd just about made it by the time Private Boyd had strapped my gun belt on and issued me with a plastic face visor which fitted with adjustable straps at the back .
26 Donaldson read the form through and signed it ; only his silence was needed to keep him from all liability .
27 He had never been in hospital before and consulted his General Practitioner infrequently .
28 Then they brought food in and laid it inside her shelter .
29 ‘ Tom lay down on the grass and looked into the clear , clear limestone water , with every pebble at the bottom bright and clean , while the little silver trout dashed about in fright at the sight of his black face ; and he dipped his hand in and found it so cool , cool , cool ; and he said , ‘ I will be a fish ; I will swim in the water ; I must be clean , I must be clean ’ . ’
30 I put my hand in and found it .
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