Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [conj] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Joan 's just rung see they come over for , all of them come over for dinner every Sunday , and er Joan 's er Andrea 's going out with a crowd of them today she 's in with a nice girl a girl er married and the husband , he 's treats Andrea as if it 's a baby sister , so he 's more or less looking after her which is Joan 's very pleased about
2 So in the light of that it 's per now is a good opportunity to er , make sure that those reserves and balances were available for A , the er , Police Authority should it require it , but B , to those constituent authorities who had helped in the er , build-up of these reserves .
3 ‘ Some men bring their kids in and it 's like a trip down memory lane they look at the smoke bombs or whoopee cushions .
4 The commission is stopping it because the British Government will not make up its mind on whether it 's gon na back the money .
5 It goes round corners as if it 's on rails . ’
6 From the parents ' point of view , to go back to your original question about whether it 's good for children to be helped at home , of course it 's , it does n't make any sense to stop helping your child just because he 's reached the age of five .
7 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
8 It was a question of and it 's a little
9 Your throat 's a bit like that it 's .
10 It 's a bit like that it 's a bit like that .
11 We 're not yet a police lab even if you do walk in and out of the place as if it 's your own kitchen .
12 Because they 're going to have to , at the end of their period of whether it 's a year or eighteen months , they will hopefully be qualified for a national vocational qualification level three and in order to gain that they have to be assessed constantly throughout their eighteen months , there 's no kind of
13 represent the meeting , will no doubt be present from Breckland and no doubt will put the views erm , but it 's , it 's this , Breckland and Norfolk you wan na get to grips with and it 's only members you wan na see , I will in fact er , you know , I 'll make that point anything that 's necessary at the meeting , Parish Council will be present , but I 'll get onto er
14 push the disk in if it 's a floppy disk version , if you have n't got a floppy disk er it 's got its own hard disk , you do n't need a floppy
15 It 's tragic — there 's a chap along this road that I like to keep my eye on and it 's as long as it 's short — to lose your eldest boy .
16 Erm , clearly we are in a room full of people who have a more than marginal interest in the political process erm and that goes for your boundaries of Cambridge city councils er remit and clearly contains also to parliamentary methods erm I 'm trying not to be desperately partisan about this , I do n't expect anybody erm but a phrase has been used earlier this evening from another quarter about if it 's not broke do n't fix it , erm the boundary commission have looked at the boundaries of the Cambridge city constituency have found that it is up to ninety nine percent of the right and proper er number of electors .
17 I know that 's all I 've got , everyone 's going and I say blah blah blah blah blah and then someone else comes up and says what 's that Walkman for and it 's really beginning to annoy me .
18 Sounds as if it 's trying to break into one of the containers . ’
19 It 's an emotive issue and raises questions like whether it 's appropriate that a company such as Daimler-Benz which played a major role in the Third Reich , should be allowed as they want to , to build their headquarters near Hitler 's bunker .
20 It 's quite commonly said that twenty years ago the universities and colleges decided to treat students as adults and leave them to organise their own affairs erm and the argument about what to do in this area is n't an argument about whether it 's a serious problem , but about what are appropriate and even effective forms of intervention .
21 To go into details of that it 's probably much more sensible to do it with just two or three people .
22 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
23 I do n't like dressing up for sex as if it 's a performance .
24 And we 'll save the decorating for when it 's raining again .
25 There they are , not a stitch on them , they say what they mean , do what they want , eat when they 're hungry , make love as if it 's the most natural thing in the world * , and lie down to die when they reach the end of their lives .
26 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
27 and the ones that had been cast out would be without that thing , so that 's why it 's gone in relation to that it 's because those that did n't have the faith that the army officer had would be cast out as the sons , of the sons of the kingdom , that 's why he mentioned it in likeness
28 Er well , my appointment with him is quarter past eleven , but I 've got ta go at least an hour before to go and have a chest X-ray to whether it 's clear and
29 I 'm not sure sure how we could build it into the criteria of But it 's it 's a point which would obviously have to be borne in mind in terms of the str you know , the planning process .
30 So this business of of understanding how it happened from the , in inverted commas , victim 's point of view um this business of understanding the subsequent effects , this business of understanding the extent , ah are all enormously problematic and um it 's one of these things I would n't particularly like to have to design a survey of because it 's absolutely fraught with difficulty but nevertheless some some attempts have been made um as I have indicated .
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