Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 A surge in borrowings from 29% to 55% of shareholders ' funds was largely due to a buying spree during the year when NFC shelled out £75m on 16 businesses .
2 Pyramid Research , a Boston-based consultancy , reports that western companies hope to use joint ventures in Eastern Europe to strengthen trading ties with Russia in preparation for the day when Cocom relaxes its controls .
3 He sees his life as some kind of a preparation for the day when the George Bushes and Margaret Thatchers of this world are dispatched to refine their political beliefs on welfare benefits in an urban slum .
4 I was practising this the other day , in preparation for the time when my climbing standard drops slightly , and was surprised to read some interesting facts about myself .
5 Careful explanations at this time could give them at least an inkling of the importance of the game , and some measure of preparation for the time when it will be no game , but a reality of great promise .
6 In addition , a " Special Period in Times of Peace " plan had already been put into effect to cope with dwindling supplies from the Soviet Union and eastern Europe , and an " Option Zero " of extreme economic cutbacks and food rationing was in preparation for the time when Soviet oil shipments finally ceased .
7 Ground Engineer 's licences , " A " - " C " and " X " categories , a Wireless Air Operator 's licence and an Instructor 's rating — in preparation for the period when he entered civil aviation .
8 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
9 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
10 The daughter of a rich Jewish textile manufacturer from Lodz , this highly intelligent woman of great charm and style had been living in Germany during the years when Hitler was coming to power , and the persecution of Jews had begun .
11 So , the appearance of the story during the period when many legends were being interwoven is 200 years after the time of Godiva and her husband Leofric , c .
12 If LEAs take their assigned task seriously , schools may begin to hanker for the days when they were given the tools and told to get on with the job .
13 Few things are as instantly heart-stopping to a computer user as the time when his machine starts to behave erratically .
14 That means that every contribution you can forward now will be earning money for the day when it will be necessary to strip down the T9 for its ten year overhaul , writes MERVYN TURVEY .
15 I 'm reminded of the story about the time when a British Rail advertising contract was up for grabs .
16 Meanwhile , Malta 's fighters were in action during the day when Ju87s from both II and III Gruppe of St.G 1 carried out an attack on Grand Harbour , presumably the newly-arriving convoy having been spotted by reconnaissance aircraft .
17 Experts remain divided on the question of Dr Proctor 's state of mind during the period when he is confirmed to have been responsible for seven hundred and fifty-three homicides , but the Supreme Court has ruled him insane and irresponsible .
18 Coloured cards should be inserted in stock as a reminder when to re-order .
19 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
20 In view of the high incidence of these arrangements in Leeds , and their adoption and dissemination during a period when the massive resourcing of PNP appeared to have little impact on reading test scores , it might be worth carefully pondering HMI 's finding , referred to towards the end of the previous chapter , that
21 She took a calming breath and turned , and was put off her stroke for a moment when she saw his glance flicking over her slim and erect carriage , taking in the elegant and attractive navy-trimmed white outfit she wore .
22 ‘ There was a lot of talk about the time when she and Kate — ’
23 At the end of April I had almost forgotten my prediction for a release when Bilal and his partner , for whom we had no other name than Frank 's ‘ Jerk ’ , excitedly started spring-cleaning both the apartment and us .
24 My mother pinpoints the downfall of western civilisation as the moment when a teenager turned on a transistor radio during a screening of The Robe .
25 Hedgehogs have neither the speed nor the manoeuvrability to catch rabbits but I have known them to kill the young in a stop , gaining entrance during the times when the doe has left the stop unsealed just before the young rabbits are moved out .
26 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
27 Consequently , all investors who had purchased Douglas Aircraft stock between the date when the defendant first traded and the date when the disclosure was finally made were prima facie eligible to bring a private action under Rule 10b-5 .
28 Since then , we have gone on making love at the club during the day when it is quiet .
29 The petition must state : ( i ) the name , place of residence and occupation of the debtor ; ( ii ) the names in which business is carried on , if different , and whether business is carried on alone or with others ; ( iii ) the nature of the business , and business addresses ; ( iv ) the names in which business was carried on , if different , and whether business was carried on alone or with others ; ( v ) any former addresses during the period when the debts were incurred ( r 6.38 ) .
30 ‘ It 's ironic coming after a summer when I was supposed to be moving to a number of big clubs .
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