Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] for many " in BNC.

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1 This pattern should afford innumerable opportunities for detectorists for many of the places are situated on virgin , unsearched territory .
2 I am very proud that I was the highest scorer for Darlington for many years .
3 One of the great attractions of DIY for many householders is that it avoids the notoriously difficult relationship between householder and the professional builder or decorator .
4 She wished he would stop talking for now he was saying , ‘ I 've been associated with Harrods of London for many years .
5 He was a member of the council of the Manchester College of Music for many years .
6 Instead , we shall zoom in on the ‘ new boys ’ two of which are far from new and have not seen the light of day for many a long year .
7 Residential care of children has experienced consistent un-coordinated tinkering with policy for many years .
8 Thus , the phenomenon may have been part of variability in English for many centuries — more common perhaps in some dialects than in others , receding at some periods and progressing at others .
9 Edith Saunders was a well-known and highly respected figure in Cambridge for many decades .
10 Laid crops and unsettled weather put the brakes on harvest for many growers this week .
11 As was intimated earlier , less formal approaches to the inflationary biases which may be endemic within certain systems of industrial relations have been in circulation among Keynesians for many decades .
12 Companionship at work for many people is the most important single source of new friendships .
13 We lived side by side for many years , fretting at what was wrong with the equation we had invented .
14 The border counties were a cradle of industry for many years and the line 's picturesque position belies its importance to the region .
15 A continuously low level of investment for many years has stunted the possibility of the ‘ First Industrial Revolution ’ turning into a ‘ Second ’ .
16 Sole at the heart of Scotland for many years to come Robert Armstrong on the consummate skills of the new national captain .
17 the preparation of quite large amounts of text ( letters , job descriptions , contracts ) with a considerable amount of repetition of common material ; 2. the creation and maintenance of files containing a mass of details about people and their subsequent analysis to provide information in a wide variety of forms for many different purposes Both these activities can be considerably simplified and streamlined using computers Word processing systems are eminently suited to the first .
18 Furthermore , a shareholders ' agreement required a majority of 75% for many important matters which allowed the 20% shareholder ( with its 26% of voting rights ) a veto over most major decisions .
19 At Government level , both in the UK and in English speaking countries throughout the world , there is a strong awareness that actuaries are vital to the task of assessing the effects of decisions taken now which may influence the course of events for many years to come .
20 Forest and hedgerow management were an essential component of life for many centuries , and the importance of hedgerows can be gauged by the frequency with which the word ‘ hedge ‘ , or its variants appear in place names such as Haywards Heath , Haywood , Haynes , Hayes or Haydon .
21 1992–93 will be remembered as a good year for the University of Stirling for many reasons .
22 He says : ‘ I have worked very closely with the University of Bristol for many years .
23 Such an attitude provides the inner experience of conflict for many .
24 As ‘ Lilla ’ has been kept in the South of England for many years its trip to Bala gives Northern fans of these locos a chance to see this one of two in British preservation .
25 The standard errors of measurement for many of the subtests are also unacceptably high , indicating that obtained scores might vary considerably from ‘ real ’ scores .
26 The use of CCL as a common type of interface for many systems is based on the provision of translating software somewhere in the communication channel between host and the user , rather than in the user 's own terminal equipment , as in the previous examples .
27 Fairly unsophisticated versions of this type of procedure are not new , and there is at least one commercial service in the USA , the Hendry Corporation , which has marketed a budget-setting system based on this type of analysis for many years .
28 Sir John and his beautiful wife , Mrs Leybourne Popham , enjoyed the ownership of Littlecote for many years and their descendants for generations afterwards .
29 The church control of ACE schemes was an issue of concern for many people .
30 Sex is a sensitive barometer of stress for many people : they lose interest , their bodies stop responding in the ways they are supposed to , or they find themselves feeling unusually ( and perhaps embarrassingly ) sexual .
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