Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [coord] then " in BNC.

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1 The practice of temporary and then
2 He had been a nippy winger in Palace 's promotions side of 1963–64 and then acquitted himself well as we consolidated in Division Two , so he was a welcome recruit at Selhurst Park in mid-September 1971 , when Bert Head was restructuring his team in a successful attempt to ensure 1st Division survival .
3 The point Herrnstein 's ‘ anti-hereditarians ’ are trying to make deals , not with the obvious genetic roots of an individual 's intelligence , but , first , the exact meaning of this thing we call ‘ intelligence ’ and , secondly , the impossibility of separating and then quantifying the amount of intelligence which is inherited and the amount which is subject to change .
4 That er goes on in relation to er criminal matters again and er er paragraph three hundred and thi , thirty three forty one er it picks up the subject of expert testament , namely er science , art , trade , technical terms , handwriting , foreign law er the ensuing pages in fact deal with that and then at paragraph thirty two fifty one er in the er section of subjects which experts may not testify on .
5 " When she was lying on her thin pallet at night she screwed her eyes up tight and then she could see his face .
6 Put your legs in first and then you just fit in .
7 And then John at teatime , the football from seven and then John from ten till midnight , on the county 's favourite radio station , it 's B B C Radio Nottingham at two o'clock .
8 And that was it and erm so then everybody 's saying so , you know , I 'll come banging on your door and saying what do you think you 're doing , you know , knocking me down to eighty five pounds a week or , or whatever it is and , you know , obviously there were various feedbacks from that and then the summing up of it was , so is that what you 're going to do to the D S S when you , when you retire ?
9 Then you had this next fathom , the second fathom had the leather cut in two and then have different colours at every feet as well .
10 The Derry man took the job as Mr Hume 's top aide in 1984 and then spent two years in Washington , working for Senator Edward Kennedy on foreign affairs issues .
11 It is unclear whether battery can be committed by omission , but it is certainly possible to convict of battery someone who accidentally causes the unlawful application of force to another and then intentionally desists from stopping that application of force .
12 Finally , behind schedule , he explains , so simply that I can understand , that he is going to take the Peter Brooke nomination , allow a little debate on the topic , then take an amendment to substitute ‘ Boothroyd ’ for ‘ Brooke ’ , take a vote on that and then see where we are .
13 And then in for your tea at six and then after you had your tea cattle .
14 One of her mates over the road 's he 's gon na try and get a grant and then pay for the college by that and then tell where to go with his overtime .
15 Well one way you can do it , is press the ratings button on your calculator , press fifteen divide by seven and then press the ratings button , so , just do that , change it on the ratings one , yeah , press fifteen divide by seven , in .
16 the combined resistance of these and then I will add it to this resistance .
17 And we 'd be pouting away and arriving about five minutes past one and then we 'd be in for trouble then .
18 She 's also produced very kind of her erm , a questionnaire about the Royal Quays erm to take home to their parents and grandparents to bring back and about , probably get a couple of copies of that and then when they 've done that the seventh and fourteenth she 's going to , or we 're gon na select two pupils from each of the classes to go out with her , one group to go into the middle of North Shields
19 Not , however , a balanced diet made up of a bit of one and then a bit of the other , but an integration between the two .
20 She looked kind of disgusted and then , like , eased me back into a chair .
21 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
22 Well , we had about an hour of this and then she asked me if I had any romantic plans of my own .
23 On the face of it there are more contrasts than resemblances between , for example , the brand of empirical and then linguistic philosophy which has predominated in England in recent decades , the existentialist thought which has led the way in western Europe , and the critical reflection on human history and society on a broadly Marxist basis which has naturally held sway in communist countries , but more recently come more to the fore in the west as well .
24 Anyway , I started hitting doctors for dikes after that and then , when this smack started coming around , it was easier to get hold of than dikes .
25 ‘ The YMCA does not like to plant a home like this and then run it centrally , ’ said Mr King .
26 And you did that with them and then laid it down , you see , and then you gathered your sheaf and put it on that and turned it round and gave it a twist like that and then And that was how it was done .
27 So divide that bar into two and then make each one of those into a dotted beat .
28 Elizabeth married , first , Thomas Nash of Stratford in 1626 and then , in June 1649 , John Bernard ( or Barnard — both forms were used ) , later Sir John , of Abington , Northants .
29 I 'm gon na have to do some work on this and then erm
30 The Duke did his stately bow at that and then Donald was calling for another song .
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