Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] i that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Test match fulfils an ambition for me that I never thought would be possible in my time , ’ he said .
2 It never was matter for such fear to me that I must have tried to silence him .
3 Recognition has two referents : recognition by me that I have done well , and recognition by others .
4 This process of acknowledging a person 's power bases is called legitimization — the recognition by me that I will allow you to affect my behaviour .
5 ‘ You are that part of me that I cut off , and I never have been and never shall be whole without you . ’
6 It was a perpetual anxiety with me that I should turn up at school wearing a dress that had been sold to that same shop by one of my fellow-pupils .
7 They have taken my life away , my young child from me that I have always wanted , and after just three years and ten months .
8 There were seven of them , and it was a source of perpetual wonder to me that they 'd ever learned to speak their own languages , never mind anyone else 's .
9 Well I did n't know anything about any none of us knew anything about anybody in those days , cos it was so early on in the , and we were n't , I was influenced more by people like blues er black blues singers , American blues singers like Muddy and Lightning , all those old blues , , er they were the heroes for me that I grew up with playing skiffle and and then Lonnie became my first Lonnie became by first hero and I er modelled a lot of my early singing on Lonnie .
10 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
11 JERVIS : Why , sir , she is a poor , innocent , young creature and I believe has so much confidence in me that she would take my advice as soon as she would her mother 's .
12 She had hit a note of such deep truth in me that I just sat looking at her .
13 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
14 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
15 It seems plain to me that you do n't love Silas .
16 It is , it was a case it was a case with me that I was black or white and that 's why that 's why it hit the press like it did .
17 That I could get her to do things for me that she would n't do for them .
18 ‘ You are n't worried that there might be things about me that you wo n't like ?
19 I … there 's feelings inside me that I ca n't explain .
20 At the risk of having you bellow down the phone to me that it 's none of my business , I think you made a big mistake .
21 It is certainly no sadness for me that I live in a house that is open to the public .
22 All that happened at Bourani was in the nature of a private masque ; and no doubt the passage was a hint to me that I should , both out of politeness and for my own pleasure , not poke my nose behind the scenes .
23 The Russians were determined to remove every last item of its inventory , down to the lavatory brushes and the steel tracks on which the dockyard trains ran : indeed it was a miracle to me that they did not demand the cobblestones as well .
24 The next year we were at Muirfield and I also did the Canada Cup with Peter the following year , 1960 , and here he broke the news to me that he wanted to use his regular St Andrews caddie Wal Gillespie for the 1960 Open .
25 ‘ At the moment I am just flowing with the tide , following whatever is on offer to me that I like .
26 It is a source of some sadness to me that I now find myself on the other side of the fence from Samuel Brittan in the debate on managed and fixed currencies .
27 ‘ I told the people around me that I wanted to quit , so they flew me back home to see a doctor .
28 Dragged answers from me that I did n't want to give . ’
29 I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
30 The first evidence of Cat 's ‘ I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
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