Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] and [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 If a Rottweiler is eligible for registration with the AKC , he can compete at any licensed dog show , as long as he is at least six months old and does not have a disqualifying fault .
2 See chapter 2 and do not look on the last fortnight as the only time to work , even if it does " concentrate your mind wonderfully " .
3 Without this provision it was possible to have a share-for-debenture exchange which fell within s127 TCGA 1992 and did not amount to a disposal even though the debenture was an exempt simple debt , rather than a security .
4 Final negotiations on the technicalities of the peace agreement were scheduled to begin on Jan. 5 and to end not later than Jan. 10 — failing which the new UN Secretary-General would decide on a compromise formula — and the official peace agreement would be signed in Mexico on Jan. 16 .
5 This was issued in February 1993 and has not been included in the Index .
6 A police spokesman said last night : ‘ Miss Wright simply walked out of the hospital at 2pm on May 23 and has not been seen since . ’
7 The period is 27 years , and the eclipse lasts for a long time ; the last began on 22 July 1982 and did not end until 25 June 1984 , though it was total only for a year ( January 1983 to January 1984 ) .
8 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
9 A band could sign a recording contract , or receive income from live performances or session fees ( the receipt of prize money from a talent contest is tax free and does not give rise to taxable income unless this occurs on a regular basis ) .
10 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
11 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
12 I am 46 years old and have not had anything lifted , tucked or masked .
13 While methods can be undertaken to contain the release of toxic fumes , most incinerators presently in use are between 13 and 15 years old and do not meet the pollution safety standards required .
14 Although UPH agreed to purchase the site in November 1988 and did not complete the purchase until August 1989 , we have learned that the idea of it becoming a site for Telecom 's HQ was first mooted as early as April ‘ 89 .
15 But the so-called free-running or circadian rhythm , is only roughly 24 hours long and does not tie up exactly with day length .
16 She saw a young man afraid and pretending not to be .
17 The House considered the decision in McGhee and stated that the judgment of Lord Wilberforce in that case was a minority one and did not represent the law .
18 Becker and Graf won Wimbledon and the US Open and did not get their pictures on the front cover of any non-tennis magazines here . ’
19 Peaty gleys have a surface O horizon up to 50 centimetres thick and do not contain free calcium carbonate in the upper mineral horizons .
20 I left in June 1979 and did not return to live in Britain until last summer , having missed virtually all of the Thatcher era .
21 ‘ Then you are a trifle short-sighted and do not see the general for the particular .
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