Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] be [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 Hodgskin concluded that if Britain was better governed than the states of Germany this was principally because of the greater freedom of expression in Britain and because the political education of the working classes had progressed further in Britain than in Germany .
2 In some cases this is simply because they are not quite good enough .
3 In some cases this is probably because the cause of acute renal failure itself was associated with a degree of permanent damage , and elderly people ( who formed the bulk of our patients ) may have less renal reserve and be less able to make a full recovery after an acute insult .
4 In the case of trade union reform in the UK this is partly because government has tried and failed but more generally because the public sector is now viewed as having a self-interest which need bear no relation to the public interest .
5 Mars , compared to the Earth , may be depleted in H , C and N , and it seems fairly certain that Venus is heavily depleted in H. The surfaces of Mercury and the Moon are very heavily depleted in all volatiles , and in the main this is probably because of a smaller initial endowment .
6 No doubt this was partly because many terrorists had taken to extortion and rape , ruining their once-glamorous image as freedom-fighters .
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