Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] for all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Move on to the next candidate , make this the active word , and repeat steps 1-3 for all candidates in the data .
2 Move on to the next candidate , make this the active word , and repeat steps 1-3 for all candidates in the data .
3 Q Are moisturising shampoos O.K. for all hair types and do you need to use a conditioner with them ?
4 The membership has now confirmed the decision of their Council to make CPD obligatory for all members from January 1991 .
5 Here bid approaches the sense of " command " , but the effect is not that of ushering the infinitive event into existence as with the bare infinitive : since ( 211 ) expresses a command valid for all time henceforth ( cf. never ) , there is no way of guaranteeing compliance .
6 At one time courts hesitated to render manufacturers liable for all losses arising from defective products .
7 Tentative proposals in ( 2 ) above were overtaken in May 1991 when the above Directive came into force whereby under Article 5 the River Almond was identified as a ‘ sensitive area ’ and ‘ waste water shall be subject to more stringent treatment than secondary treatment by 31 December 1998 for all discharges from agglomerations of more than 10000 p.e . ’
8 Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen essential for all life , including our own .
9 We have set a target date of 31 December 1987 for all submissions on the basis of which we will construct 12 year implementation programmes .
10 You will recall that we have set a target date of 31 December 1987 for all submissions setting out the perceived needs of governing bodies of sport for national and sub-national facilities , to provide the basis of a 12-year implementation programme .
11 Brooke issued an ultimatum on May 14 for all parties to accept his compromise formula for a venue by the following day or accept responsibility for wrecking the talks .
12 In the absence of classes of phones or phonemes valid for all members of a linguistic community , all oral communication would cease , for every individual could talk intelligibly only to himself , because he could meaningfully use , actively and passively , only one set of phones , namely his own .
13 Not only is the Christian moral law valid for all time , it applies to all men .
14 Incurably addicted to quantification , I have now searched the daily and Sunday New York Times from 1975 to November 1981 for all book reviews dealing with IQ .
15 , Board director responsible for all Courtaulds ' activities with headquarters in North America .
16 Room available for all types of functions .
17 This gives a good general purpose crampon suitable for all types of snow and ice climbing .
18 From their Active Care range of conditioning styling products comes Fixing Spray — a fabulous liquid tool suitable for all hair types .
19 Numerous Polisario members were said by Moroccan sources to have similarly defected after the appeal by King Hassan of Morocco in November 1988 for all Polisario members with " good intentions " to go to Morocco as their " clement and forgiving … homeland " .
20 TOM BAXTER heads the ICI Fertilizers team of accountants responsible for all aspects of financial performance .
21 That 's because Kate is employed by Wimpey Homes as a landscape architect responsible for all developments in the North East .
22 At follow up in 1989 group means derived from the last three readings available for all hypertensives had fallen to 148/88 mm Hg for men and 145/86 mm Hg for women ( all changes p<0.001 ) .
23 Proposals for mining activities are dealt with by the authority responsible for all forms of development control .
24 Although there is no single strategy suitable for all occasions there are some recognized categories that you should be aware of in devising your own .
25 And that leads to the third , less obvious , reason : the market-place itself , to work efficiently , needs consumers who know how prices compare , and who act on that knowledge buying at the right price , not buying if the price is too high for this to have an influence on prices , through traders who set attractive prices competing successfully against traders who set inflated prices , it is by no means necessary for all consumers to be actively price-conscious .
26 However , one of the accessories available for all Silver standard gauge machines is a weaving arm ( AW1 ) .
27 The term ‘ partially sighted ’ has been used over the years to refer to pupils who have vision useful for all school tasks but require adaptations to teaching methods and materials in order to accomplish them .
28 It was further agreed to ask the UN Security Council to endorse this decision and to make the application of sanctions mandatory for all UN member states .
29 Consider life expectancy , a measure indicating the number of years a newborn infant could typically be expected to live if patterns of mortality prevailing for all people in the year of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life .
30 Mr Burtt has asked my advice on payment of the enclosed invoice for £690 for an order raised by Mrs Gregory which did not go through the agreed procedures , and which exceeds the total amount available for all staff .
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