Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cheque for Action Research for the Crippled Child was presented at a reception in the Mayor 's Parlour in Reigate on 19th March 1986 and a representative from Age Concern will be coming to the A.G.M. to receive their cheque from our President , Lady Braithwaite .
2 Picks : either a Tortex 74 or a Clayton 74–77 .
3 The daughter opens and closes the play on a swing , her hair free but a soundtrack of synthesised chords and foundry clatter emphasising this is no Fragonard .
4 Windows 3.1 requires at least a 80286 processor , 1MB of memory , a hard disc with 10 MB free and a DOS of 3.1 or later .
5 Four pounds we 've taken is frequent cash and a pound each and a pound at dinner time .
6 In December 1987 two stray Rough Collies , a bitch of about 15 months old and a dog of about 18 months , were picked up and taken to a police station near Oxford .
7 Ten runners-up will receive a three kilo bag of Omega Tasty and a lead .
8 For the next six hours — or a little less , because at Battersea the flood lasts five and a half hours , and the ebb six and a half — they would be living not on land , but on water .
9 To provide foundations for the walls , we formed a toe around the outside , 75mm deeper and a shovel width ( like a moat ) , and skimmed off the sharp corner .
10 John Steed 's bowler hat from The Avengers is guesstimated at £300-£500 , while a Thunderbirds rocket takes off at £1,000-Pounds 1,500 and a selection of monsters from Aliens are £300-£400 each .
11 Discussions are currently under way between M Prior and a firm of opticians on the provision of eye and eyesight testing to workstation operators .
12 In Kent , Edward IV 's sheriff had been William Haute , brother of the arrested Richard Haute , and he was now replaced by Sir Henry Ferrers of Peckham , a former servant of Edward IV and a nephew of William lord Hastings .
13 In Kent , Edward IV 's sheriff had been William Haute , brother of the arrested Richard Haute , and he was now replaced by Sir Henry Ferrers of Peckham , a former servant of Edward IV and a nephew of William lord Hastings .
14 Crisp hair curling on his collar , Levi 501s and a taupe cotton shirt .
15 You know they sleep with both eyes open and a rifle under the pillow-not to mention the fact that it 's still lambing season and most of them will be up all night !
16 regulations ) A good opportunity for a spring clean and a chance to get rid of old furniture etc accumulating in your attic .
17 If the summons for recovery of land has been served under Ord 10 , r 15 and a money claim is joined , the court must , unless it thinks it just to do otherwise , mark the summons " not served " as to the money claim ( Ord 10 , r 15(5) ) .
18 Nineteen fifty one for the S S F two and a half .
19 For example project A has an initial cash outflow of £1 million and a cash inflow of £300 000/year for 10 years .
20 In her mind , she saw her mother , not dead but full of life with her eyes bright and a smile on her lips .
21 Er like i we if I saw a vase that was a little bit bigger and a bit more expensive than what you 'd have
22 She wants to do more of it , though she is too old at 27 and too short ( five foot six and a half ) for catwalks .
23 By comparison , a sheepdog has been recorded barking for seven hours non-stop and a cocker spaniel is capable of cramming over 900 yelps into a ten-minute period .
24 They need to have somebody that 's a bit liberal and a bit open and that wo n't be available under a Conservative government will it ?
25 ( ii ) has had a bankruptcy order made against him or has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors or has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 or is or has been a director of a company in respect of which an administration order under Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986 or a winding-up order has been made or in respect of which a resolution for voluntary winding up has been passed or which has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 or in respect of which a person has been appointed receiver or administrative receiver ; or
26 A combination of minor adjustments to the statutes of February 1861 and a show of determination enabled the tsar to scotch aristocratic demands for participation in government .
27 There are three other upgradeable desktop offerings , the $16,000 — £7,800 — 42Mhz PowerStation 355 ; a $19,500 — £9,970 — 50Mhz PowerStation 365 and a $25,230 — £16,360 — 62.5MHz PowerStation 375 .
28 But today , fortified by her experiences , feeling six feet high and a tower of strength , Miss Fogerty led the entire school into morning assembly and faced a host of questioning eyes with unaccustomed composure and authority .
29 The Poor Law was the most comprehensive official source for the relief of poverty , administered in England and Wales as laid down by the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 and a succession of later amendments , in Scotland and Ireland according to different statutes and rather different principles .
30 Numbers are limited and requests for tickets have to be received by 31 July 1993 and a £10 deposit is required .
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