Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [be] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 15 of 16 subjects studied there was a fall in Vg , and in both control and patient groups this was of the order of 25% ( range , 1.9–66.7% ) .
2 Count the number of empty " slot " in your address book and see what proportion this is of the total available .
3 The photochemical replacement time for O 3 is of the order of several months in the tropical lower stratosphere compared to only about a week in the mid-stratosphere .
4 The photograph on page 128 is of the gate of the original school established in the reign of Henry the Eighth and not the much later Grammar School building described in the adjoining text .
5 The new purpose-built engine and gearbox features a central power take-off and the flat 12 is of a monobloc design .
6 Given the fact that many of the old people concerned are of a generation , class and gender that has traditionally been deferential , it is small wonder if they are characteristically timid and grateful in these exchanges !
7 Perhaps the best illustrations available are of the man who fell into a steel tank which had contained radioactive waste .
8 For Italy or France this is of no particular significance , since the role of their parliaments is not great , but Britain would be depriving itself of its most important political institution .
9 A substrate 1 has successive epitaxial layers 2 to 6 , the first three 2 , 3 , 4 being of materials suitable for a double heterojunction laser , layer 5 being of high resistivity material and layer 6 being of a material suitable for an FET channel .
10 Despite there being no fractions in their arithmetic and observational difficulties due to frequent early morning mists and much cloud in the rainy season , they ultimately attained an accuracy in the determination of the synodic period of Venus that was of the order of one day in five thousand years , that is roughly one part in two million .
11 By the concentrated bombardment the element of surprise was relinquished , but at Messines this was of no moment , for surprise was to be achieved by the detonation of the mines .
12 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
13 The court commented that the situation could have been different if the property concerned was of a very high value , or of an unusual nature , ( eg industrial property ) so as to impose too great a risk upon the surveyor if he accepted liability .
14 This might not sound very much , but it should be remembered that the current fractional accuracy is between 10 -13 ; and 10 -14 ; ( between 1 and 0.1 mHz ) and that the predicted accuracy available is of the order of 10 -16 ; ( 1 Hz ) .
15 These modern , luxurious apartments , our Club Choice for summer '90 are of an excellent standard .
16 It is worth noting that of the course proposals which fell at this hurdle most were of a very high standard .
17 The example in Fig. 2 is of an undulating jet where the material may be expanding along helically twisted magnetic field lines .
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