Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] given [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oliver 's experience of returning to Metastasio 's original text has given him a new respect for that most maligned of operatic dramatists .
2 The onward march of technological progress has given us the user-friendly sealed cassette , much more difficult to damage or tamper with — or to intervene in ( and to recreate on modern machines ) .
3 Unlike our other two children , our daughter Alicia has given us a few problems with her nightly stirrings .
4 The programmer has given us a production concept which will spread to every aspect of the teaching process .
5 It would be a misuse of powers for a judge to say : ‘ I know Parliament has given me a discretion to vary orders in contempt appeals and make just ones , but I 'm never going to use them .
6 In future the Minister will be able to refer to the Bill and say , ’ Parliament has given you the power to dispose of works of art , if you wish to acquire more — and , in using those receipts from disposals , you are specifically confined to making further acquisitions .
7 The noise has given me a head . ’
8 For Coun. Mrs Kay Kirkham , Liberal Democrat , the election has given her the chance to experience the action from the other side of the fence .
9 She has suffered much in the last decade but that experience has given her the inner fortitude to shoulder the emotional burden she must carry on the next stage of her life 's journey .
10 Rugby has given me a life , it 's given me everything .
11 On and off the pitch United 's decade under the Maxwells has given them a brief but all too short taste of glory .
12 ‘ This Budget has given me no confidence to spend whatsoever , ’ Mr Ingram said .
13 The camcorder has given everyone the chance to star in their own home movies .
14 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
15 Martin O'Neill , Wycombe 's manager , said : ‘ The result has given us a real chance of the championship as long as we can keep the momentum going . ’
16 A FRENCHWOMAN has given herself the ultimate facelift in an attempt to create the perfect features .
17 ‘ We 've both been working so hard that this break has given us the opportunity for a second honeymoon , ’ he told her smoothly .
18 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
19 However , if one error is fatal , two can not be worse , so by causing a recombination element R has given itself an evens chance of survival , whereas without recombination it had none .
20 Just before he left , Creed had given him the date .
21 Dennis had given us a rough time in the previous two Tests and so I started to chat to him to get him in a favourable mood for when it was our turn to bat .
22 For the first time Robbie found herself wishing her brothers had given her a less striking gift .
23 Those long years in junior command had given him an intimacy with the poilu denied to most of the other French chiefs , and because of his low rank in 1914 he knew — unlike Haig and Joffre — very well what wounded men looked like .
24 The fire crew had to cut free the man with his legs trapped , after Rachel and Nina had set up an intravenous infusion and David had given him a pethidine injection to help control his pain .
25 Similarly , a former CIA agent had given him a detailed , off-the-record account of the agency 's involvement with arms and narcotics trafficking in the Middle East .
26 A north-west gale had given us a good shaking up crossing from Peterhead to Wick resulting in a cracked cylinder head .
27 Eleanor had given him the opportunity he had needed .
28 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
29 Tension had given her a dull , thumping headache so that she absorbed nothing except the first entry on the list .
30 ‘ Lots of them did n't , ’ said Lee , running down the passage and into the kitchen that Philip had been in yesterday morning where Mrs Wright had given him a cup of tea .
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