Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If , however , continuous variation is required , this preset can be omitted from the board and three wires taken from the relevant board points up to a conventional 1k rotary potentiometer mounted on a front panel , along with any metering .
2 A tawny giant with shoulders and arms like a blacksmith 's , he had lean hips , more freckles than a gull 's egg , a snub nose , sleepy honey-coloured eyes , Bart 's pugnacious jaw and red-gold hair sticking up like a Dandy brush .
3 A highly complex drug made up of a whole series of chemicals with different reaction times , designed to fire particular synapses in the brain itself — to create , if you like , a false landscape of experience .
4 Dot was n't allowed into Mrs Parvis 's kitchen except at the regulation meal-times and she was n't sure about how food was prepared , but she was pretty certain that when Mrs Parvis cooked what was called a nice egg-dish , it was made from an orange coloured powder spooned up from a deep cylindrical tin .
5 The noise builds up to a shattering roar .
6 It was in some measure propped up by a crimson tea-caddy , also of Japan ware .
7 The Brazilian panelinhas are informal groups made up of a number of dyadic contracts , that is , people linked by personal ties — family , kin , friends — but the members are selected according to their occupation .
8 A double stairway led up from a dusty hallway past walls of hieroglyphics and adolescent gods , set between huge mirrors advertising an Italian cognac popular in the 1920s .
9 How can a series of fixed instructions cause the computer to come up with a random sequence of results ?
10 Callinicos ' conclusion to these arguments is that despite their efforts , built around a claimed contrast of the postmodern either with or within Modernism , these authors have produced only ‘ mutually and often internally inconsistent accounts ’ of the ‘ postmodern ’ , manifesting an ‘ inability to come up with a plausible and coherent account of its distinguishing characteristics ’ ( p. 28 ) .
11 Tomorrow night we 're back with the display team , this time in the city of San Diego where huge and hungry crowds built up for a game of American football .
12 We had just finished the DI ( daily inspection ) when a very elderly photographer wandered up with a rickety tripod and ancient camera .
13 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
14 I caught a glimpse of JCBs grazing in the adjoining field like a group of hybrid giraffes ; and was that a dumper truck with its shell tipped up like a rutting tortoise ?
15 One reason there is so little change in most traditional bureaucratic organizations , I argue , is that they have conditioned out of people the willingness to stand up for a new idea .
16 It will be intriguing to see how Brecht 's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold .
17 It was a large room , totally silent save for the voice of one Sister perched up on a pulpit in the end wall , reading portions of the scriptures .
18 We have recently had another Degree Day and an opportunity to meet up with a few familiar faces .
19 On past trips to Japan and Saudi Arabia Philip Somerville created up to a dozen hats for her .
20 But the tax on company cars goes up by a third .
21 To that figure he added a total of three hundred and fifty two thousand one hundred and seven pounds for the future made up of a yearly figure of thirty nine thousand one hundred and twenty three pounds for Mrs evidence , multiplied by nine .
22 And being married to David made up for a great many afternoon teas and Women 's Institute meetings .
23 I 'd arranged with the local flying club to go up in a small ‘ Cub ’ training aircraft , which is well-suited for aerial photography as it has a very slow cruising speed .
24 Next , in ( 17 ) , we have a minimal property complex made up of a property extended by another property , P P , alternatively represented as in ( 18 ) .
25 It was expected to cost around £800 million when launched , of which foreign aid made up about a half .
26 Some people prefer to hold the script ; others like to read off a lectern , which can be simply a tray propped up on a couple of books .
27 They vary from the smallest tin shack propped up against a breakwater to the smartest yacht club in Cowes — but you will find the same enthusiasm for the sport in each .
28 Preparing the campsite also involved some ingenious engineering , with a large pivoted chockstone winched up on a Friend belay to create enough headroom .
29 He was lounging on the sofa when she returned to the house , his long legs propped up on a low onyx table , while he flicked his way desultorily through the pages of a paperback .
30 At this point he said , quite rightly , ‘ Sod this for a lark ! ’ and is now planning to have a batch of tensile steel rods made up by a colleague who owns an engineering firm .
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