Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] as it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As Fokine said : ‘ There can never be revolution in dance , only evolution , because the human body remains as it always has been , a living apparatus which can only move in certain well-defined ways . ’
2 In the hands of this artist , this transcription sounds as it surely was intended — as Busoni 's ‘ eighth elegy ’ , complete with delicate bell-like arpeggios , subtle sequential off-shoots , and a thickening of textures which help elucidate the Schoenbergian language .
3 This openness is fundamental to the total quality culture that the Quality Scotland Foundation espouses as it firmly believes that , by bringing together people with expertise in the quality field to help and advise those who wish to make a commitment to it , attitudes can really begin to change .
4 Of course Elmer Rice 's play had been censored and toned down before coming to the screen but Photoplay still needed to ask whether ‘ the public really wants a true cross-section of life presented as it actually happens ’ .
5 ‘ She 's leading you too , ’ Maggie reminded him quietly and his hand came as it often did to tilt her chin imperiously .
6 This is surely a slice of history shown as it really was , and all who served with Bomber Command will be delighted that John Searby recorded their courageous efforts so well .
7 At the vote on the imposition of sanctions against Iraq , Yemen abstained as it also did from the vote at the Arab League meeting which approved Arab military intervention in Saudi Arabia .
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