Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] as [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the place failed as links the property was a valuable one , and there was no probability in their losing their money and in the meantime they were receiving three per cent which was as good as if the money were invested in Consols .
2 You will actually hold a policy review with your client , I E , you 're going to see them each year at least , but the policy reviews as regards the company are held to make sure there 's enough growth in the client 's funds to sustain all the charges .
3 Nevertheless the court went on to discuss in some detail what the position would have been if the appeal could properly have been entertained , expressing the opinion that ( i ) ( Silke V.-P. differing ) there was no ground to intervene in the Barclays ( Asia ) case ; and ( ii ) ( all members of the court concurring ) there was no ground to intervene as regards the order in which the cases should be decided .
4 In the universities , anti-imperialist students were discovering Marx but generally had little of substance to propose as regards the development of the domestic economy , or at least little which found a resonance among the masses .
5 Their Lordships have no doubt that he was right to do so , for although it is obvious that a judge of subordinate jurisdiction has no power to make an order which directly governs the proceedings which not only are not before him but are in progress in a court of superior jurisdiction , the proposition that , when deciding what course to take as regards the furthering of the proceedings which are before him , he is forced to ignore the other proceedings entirely , is in their Lordships ' opinion quite unsustainable .
6 Okay so they 're a few options to try as regards the coding
7 L 220 , p. 1 ) providing that all fish catches subject to quota made by vessels ‘ flying the flag ’ or ‘ registered ’ in a member state should be charged against the quota applicable to that state , the applicants in the main proceedings maintained that there was no basis for suggesting that that provision permitted member states to derogate as regards the grant of the flag from their basic E.E.C .
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