Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the risk to public order inherent in the defendant 's words or conduct that represents the harm struck at by the section .
2 Compare this to the strenuously managed , balanced sense of self arrived at by the likes of The Eurythmics and Howard Jones .
3 We support the views arrived at by the C E C , we should be proud of our title the Labour Party and shout from the hi highest rooftops where we live and work .
4 The significance of this fact will be dealt with later ; suffice it to say here that the effect of the listing arrived at by the formulators of the received tradition is to raise this perfectly acceptable and important generalization to the status of an unbroken rule , to smooth away all complications and to present a perfectly articulated chain of Muftis , all of whom remained in office until their deaths .
5 Alternatively , in a more traditional diplomatic style , a country could be neutralised , preferably with its own consent ( if a viable political force which can speak on behalf of the nation or territory concerned can be identified ) through arrangements arrived at by the superpowers , perhaps at summit discussions , with or without the involvement of other Great Powers or regionally influential states .
6 The activities struck at by the section are further defined in section 19(3) as follows :
7 Lord Simonds stated : The transfer of assets aimed at by the Section is not expressed to be a transfer to a person resident or domiciled out of the United Kingdom .
8 A single voice , if it comes from somebody sufficiently powerful , can overturn the consensus arrived at by the rest ( Sedgwick wryly ends his article by saying that the child 's name was put on the ‘ register ’ , the doctor having used his influence to overturn the decision made by the rest ) .
9 Do these words refer to the actual expense incurred by the school in providing the benefit or do they refer to the hypothetical expense incurred by the school arrived at by the formula of dividing the total cost of running the school by the number of pupils attending it or to put it more shortly do they refer to the additional or the average cost of the provision of the benefit .
10 The conduct struck at by the section may cause misery without being aimed at any particular victim .
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