Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So he fought with him and and took his stick from him and gave him a whack on the head and he dropped , and the story goes he says we 'll go home now lads .
2 Buck thinks he has it in the bag , but there 's a long way to go yet . ’
3 he has no plans to retire he enjoys it too much
4 I know I pulled him out once but how many times has he pulled me out !
5 When our eyes met he gave me a frigid little smile .
6 As Schools Minister he said he wanted to ensure that children learnt about green issues in schools .
7 As his eyes focused he realized he was looking at a hideously swollen human body , and just then , as the light breeze shifted , he caught the stomach-turning odour of decay .
8 And now , in June , how much better did he know her ?
9 Bonanza said he wanted me there so the police would know where I was .
10 As soon as the first ring sounded he knew she was not there , that the sound of the telephone was reverberating through empty rooms , as lost and desolate as wind crying across a salt marsh , as hopeless as he felt his own heart to be .
11 What kind of pyjamas does he wear I wonder ?
12 The usual family gathering at the Andersons ' was held over until late January as Theresa had invited her parents and brothers and sister to her house for Boxing Day , and Pat said he thought it was a good idea .
13 He said that if Ramsey accepted he had it in mind to recommend Donald Coggan for the see of York .
14 WHY would Hamman possibly do this , and what weight does he think he 'll possibly have in Uefa .
15 Composure regained , Richard said he thought he could see a good hold but was not totally sure ; hence the rapid retreat .
16 No , but it was a loan to me and I said to my dad he was loaning it me and I said to him erm I pay you back and then when I went to pick the cheque up er he says er well me mum says he giving you that you know he says what we 're gon na do is when , when they write the will out you 'll get that much less than the others , I says well as long as it ai n't gon na cause any problems
17 That may be difficult to comprehend , but Andrew Ray thinks he understands it .
18 He made as if to talk to them when they melted before his very eyes ; he could n't believe it and as the guard approached he told him what he had seen .
19 By the time we get back to the tent Stig is limping badly and when Odd-Knut looks he finds he is bleeding profusely .
20 ‘ Several people who were present say he was n't , and a cabby says he delivered him to the Post on Friday afternoon .
21 You can sue the solicitor for what you would have collected , had he done his job properly , because the law reckons he owed you , as well as his client , a duty of care .
22 Tall , lazily handsome , and boy did he know it !
23 ‘ What directions did he give you ? ’
24 He swung round , still with Emma in his arms , and not until he saw Peggy dash up the room and pick the long , steel poker from its rest on the brass open-work fender did he release her .
25 The passage was not some ghastly simile of war or territorial domination ( though heaven knows what the Iranians would have made of it ) , but just a pictorial explanation of the passage North said he read them next , from the third chapter of Galatians : ‘ Know ye therefore that they which are of faith , the same are the children of Abraham . ’
26 Sorry to keep you waiting but the bellman said he thought you 'd all gone to your rooms . ’
27 Judge Richard May said he accepted they were genuine supporters of animal rights .
28 When I got back , I found a card from Ivy asking me to lunch — yesterday — Thursday ; and John had written to Ivy to say he thought I could go , and so I did , and she was pleased to have the loukoumi .
29 Bernie said he saw you together .
30 Wickham said he thought it would work very well .
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