Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] with it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Manville toyed with it for a few moments , imagining the corridors of the Pentagon and White House alive with zooming figures , grey-flannel covered asses farting tongues of flame .
2 She may start to release her emotions fully during or after the service , or she may go through all the ritual connected with it in a daze , but sooner or later it can be expected that the flood-gates of her grief will open and she will then begin to work her way through the multiplicity of problems that lie ahead of her .
3 Lachlan 's axe clashed with it in mid-sweep .
4 Muawiyah dealt with it by quite simply nominating his son Yazid in advance .
5 ‘ Given a relation R , the attribute B is said to be functionally dependent on attribute A if at every instant of time each value of A has no more than one value of B associated with it in the relation R. ’
6 My contact with David had fired me with an interest in Peru again , a desire to engage with it beyond the level of annoyance .
7 This may result in its greater toleration in the spouse ; but if the tolerance does not exist , the increasing ease of separation and divorce mean that the need to live with it for social or economic reasons is reduced .
8 Looking at the effects of inheritance in a broader perspective , it is apparent that the laws and customs associated with it in any society have the effect of shaping kin relationships in ways other than the transmission of economic resources .
9 It was as great as an army , they said , and Rime Giants walked with it like shepherds .
10 I gave her the carrier and watched her jaunty backview disappear with it into the crowds , and I was more and more sure that what she was carrying was harmless .
11 because validity of the section fourteen is the question for ultimate trial , we 're not seeking interim relief against that , we have n't done that my Lord that in our submission is the highest and the best that they could achieve erm properly erm which was to avoid a stay on a reference and they could then continue with the proceedings rather than be put off for a , a very , you know what maybe a year and a half , er if the court dealt with it in the normal way , or perhaps even a little bit longer , erm , but to actually go to further than that and to deny the defendant the right to put up a , a proper E E C defence , my Lord in my submission would be erm without the jurisdiction of the court .
12 Another rifleman had bartered some of his Red Cross parcel for a loaf of bread ; ‘ The conditions of living and surviving had made us all as cunning as foxes ’ , so this rifleman that night slept with it under his neck , but someone crept up and cut off both the ends .
13 And he is not the man to go with it for the peace and the quiet bliss . ’
14 Ice floes circulate with it across the Pole from eastern Siberia toward Ellesmere Island , Greenland , and out into the north Atlantic Ocean , mostly along the east Greenland coast .
15 It was held that he was not a trustee of the money for the brewers and therefore he was under no obligation to deal with it in a certain way .
16 She gave me my hand back , but let her velveted fingers play with it for a second or two .
17 Each map entity ( point , line or polygon ) has a feature code or description associated with it in the database .
18 I felt the teachers had a lot to do with it at the school , if I liked a teacher I liked the subject .
19 The children play with it for half an hour , then run outside with their new toboggan instead .
20 As a result , the United States encouraged the British and the Russians to join with it in signing a treaty with Iran promising that all three countries would withdraw their troops within six months how useful the United States could be against Iran 's old exploiters .
21 If there was a serious disagreement the report would still contain the point but it would say that the school disagreed with it for whatever reason .
22 This was the line taken by the No More War Movement , and most of the socialist left agreed with it in the early 1930s .
23 Farmers produce between five and six million tonnes of surplus straw a year — with the ban on stubble-burning , they 're going to be spending alot more of their time dealing with it in the future .
24 The mill is best remembered as Ayliffe 's Mill , the name of the family associated with it throughout its working life , up to the Second World War .
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