Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] for any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This doctrine enables a lessee to sue for any trespass committed between the granting of the lease and his entering in pursuance of it .
2 Maybe P and Q and R behave alike , but there may be times when the algorithm folds a set { P , Q , R } where , say , Q sometimes occurs in a context which never contains P or R. The algorithm looks for any context which contains some of X 's children but not the others .
3 The principal strengths of the human information processing system lie in its ability to make selective use of available visual cues and to utilise an understanding of the text to compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
4 Also , because smoking tends to be associated with a lower body mass index , our inability to adjust for any confounding due to body weight will have tended to result in an underestimation of the effect of smoking .
5 Program the sensor pods to search for any sign of ancient habitations within a twelve thousand mile radius of the pole . ’
6 Our focus here is on information received by the enterprise from the external environment ; but a similar dilemma exists for any type of information within the firm .
7 ‘ Materials unaccounted for ’ is the specific term used for any kind of discrepancy between the book inventory and the actual inventory . ’
8 This is a contagious infection caused by mites burrowing under the skin ( mange is a term used for any condition caused by mites which causes itching and results in a mammal losing its fur ) .
9 They are the strengths needed for any government to succeed , and let no-one doubt , either in our nation or abroad , that we , the Conservative Party , have the strength to succeed .
10 He must have sensed my hesitation , his ears alert for any change in the note of the engine .
11 Feverishly they attacked the sea , their eyes straining for any sign of movement in the red-tinged , black water .
12 The third principle is that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall not be used or disclosed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes ’ .
13 The fourth principle is that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall be adequate , relevant and not excessive in relation to that purpose or those purposes ’ — and there is more to this than at first meets the eye .
14 The sixth principle , that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes ’ , follows from its predecessors and places a heavy responsibility on data users to ensure that they regularly weed out data once it has served its purpose .
15 ‘ Personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall not be used or disclosed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes ’
16 On this the spokesman said , ‘ the Vulcan will no be flown any more ’ adding , ‘ it would be down to an acceptable purchaser to arrange for any ferrying . ’
17 The captain had been given permission by his superiors in Hamburg to sail for any port which would accept his passengers .
18 Robin Cook , the shadow trade and industry secretary , said the Government had put forward the biggest tax increases for any Budget in history and described it as a ‘ Budget of failure and a Budget of cheats ’ .
19 Here , the ocean is the only large store of water and the only place where a water molecule stays for any length of time .
20 This approach was mirrored in the Law Commission Working Paper No 85 on the Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1983 ) where a recommendation was made to abolish the automatic classification of statutory implied terms as conditions , the buyer in a consumer sale being given the right to reject for any breach of the implied terms unless the consequences and nature of the breach were trivial so that rejection would be unreasonable .
21 Anderson was unique , brought in to fill two vital functions : the need for a medic , and the need to give G9 something special , some angle that would disguise its true nature , an extraordinary elite fighting group trained for any emergency .
22 A MORTGAGE application form completed and delivered to the lenders constitutes a contract between lender and prospective purchaser if it obliges the purchaser to pay for any valuation to be obtained and the lender does in fact obtain a valuation on that basis .
23 Whatever your kind of break , the abundance of things to see and do makes Brighton & Hove the right place to head for any time of year .
24 Civil penalties include a triple damages award for any person whose business or property is harmed as a result of the violation .
25 The Purchaser should rely on the normal contractual measure of damages to compensate for any breach of Warranties — ie the difference between what the Business would have been worth had the warranty been true and what it is actually worth in the light of the breach .
26 We realise that there will need to be additions to the job description and profile to take account of the different judicial offices such as district judge or circuit judge , but overall the job description and personal profile describe the essential qualities needed for any judge .
27 Friends set up a ten thousand pounds reward for any information in the inquiry .
28 As always , the prima facie method of assessment may be displaced and damages awarded for any loss which falls within the rules in Hadley v. Baxendale , Victoria Laundry v. Newman Industries ( above ) is an example of this .
29 It is a loan made for any purpose at all , secured on bricks and mortar , normally your home .
30 ‘ They were close brothers and it 's terrible news to hear for any family . ’
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