Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 – This means that the outer G forme was removed from the press part way through — printing stopped for some reason — and someone dropped it , scattering the letters everywhere .
2 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
3 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
4 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
5 There were moments when the sun almost burst through the mist and I kept on driving , waiting and hoping for a first glimpse of the cordillera , my mind groping for some answer to the enigma of Iris Sunderby 's behaviour .
6 The most important development in sprint and marathon racing for some time was the introducing of starting gates at the World Sprint Championships in Paris .
7 Since Intersolv reckons that maintenance accounts for some half of all programming work in MVS sites , and says that the research makes up for the bulk of this work , the potential time savings for users and the potential market for Intersolv are substantial .
8 After Henry VIII 's death and the accession of the nine-year-old Edward VI his subjects hoped for some relaxation of the Forest law .
9 In the early days both methods co-existed for some time in Great Britain , but the adherents of each method campaigned against one another here and elsewhere in Europe until towards the close of the nineteenth century , when oralism for the time being triumphed in all European countries .
10 She and her boyfriend have had their future planned for some time : they want to start farming in a nearby village , where they also intend to build a bungalow .
11 As it happened , though the tension continued for some time after the building of the Berlin Wall in August to stop the flight of East Germans to the West , the two sides had to settle for a stalemate .
12 There were racetrack express buses , I found , going from the city to the Downs , so I went on one at about six o'clock and strolled around at ground level looking for some way of conveying to Bill Baudelaire the water samples which were now individually wrapped inside the nondescript plastic carrier .
13 The directorate searched for some method , other than a quick fix-it , which would draw the business into acceptable profitability and then develop that position .
14 The water level is automatically reduced to normal if the machine over-fills for some reason .
15 I have been teaching machine knitting for some time and often come across pupils who have experienced the same problem .
16 Again Hugh thought for some time .
17 They did a mass formation practise for some show in Cairo , and he would get in the back of an Audax , throw off his parachute and Sutton harness , then kneel looking backwards and control the formation like the leader of the Halle .
18 A myriad of associations campaigning for some form of political and economic union proliferated across all the democracies and across most political party persuasions : for example , the United Europe Movement in Britain , organised by Churchill ; the Catholic Nouvelles Équipes Internationales and the Socialist Movement for the United States of Europe in France , but both with some following in Belgium and Luxembourg ; and the Europa-Bund in Germany .
19 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
20 A possible intervention of the King 's Proctor to upset the divorce had for some time been lurking in the Government 's mind .
21 Steelworkers in the public sector had for some time been in dispute with their employers , the British Steel Corporation , and had come out on strike .
22 Certificates have for some time been sent in postal tubes by recorded delivery to Divisional Secretaries .
23 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
24 I have searched the grey Atlantic wastes for some sign of the wreckage , expecting to find nothing , and there suddenly , very small among the waves , is something .
25 Later that Wednesday , as she was teaching a class of children , two men came into the classroom asking for some paper and pencils .
26 First of all , you have to ascertain whether your strategy up the first part of the beat will make you want to carry on sailing on starboard tack for some time after the starting signal , or to tack onto port as soon as possible after the start .
27 Alyssia had for some reason thought that he spent the majority of his life in England , but it turned out that , although he owned a flat in London , he spent quite a lot of time working overseas .
28 Wilson had for some time claimed to the International Transport Workers ' Federation that the Shipping Federation would crumble if the fight could be carried to every port at one and the same time .
29 The facades of 106 houses were rapidly built , but it was another twenty years or more before many of the interiors were begun and Kemp Town stayed for some time rather like a giant film set with the image of grandeur propped up by heavy wooden beams .
30 But the fact remains that Panaetius lived for some time in Rome , as the Index Stoicorum Herculanensis , an excellent source , states ( 73 ) ; and there seems to be no reason to doubt the statement of Cicero in Pro Murena that he was the guest of Scipio ( 31.56 ) .
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