Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jakarta 's Governor Wiyogo Atmordarminto insists that to drive a becak is a degrading occupation , considering Indonesia 's level of development .
2 De Candolle realized that to explain the existence of these provinces would require naturalists to tackle the question of the actual origin of species , although at this point he thought the matter was beyond the scope of scientific investigation .
3 Smithers calculates that to finance a corporate-sector deficit of ¥40 trillion at the current high corporate-borrowing rate of 5% ( almost 4% after inflation ) would cost ¥2 trillion a year .
4 But this commercial peg : ‘ All industry knows that to please the teenagers is the golden way to big dividends ’ , contained all manner of occluded and contradictory messages .
5 The university says that to release the report would be injurious , to innocent parties ’ .
6 For example , in the fastest city of them all — which turned out to be Boston , not New York , which was third after Buffalo — the researchers noted that to get the exact time of day the telephone company requires you to dial N-E-R-V-O-U-S .
7 Mossad proposed that to conceal the plan they would send TOW missiles to Iran from their own stocks and America would ship them replenishments .
8 For example , many a small child knows that to alleviate the pain and irritation of a nettle sting he need only reach for the nearest broad-leaved docken , ( Rumex obtusifolius ) and rub it on the offending part for instant relief .
9 In the result the judge concluded that to admit the challenged evidence would not have an adverse effect on the fairness of the trial .
10 Indeed , Dr Tony Underwood of the University of Sydney suggests that to control the crown of thorns starfish could , in the end , do more harm to the reef than good .
11 One could use the intent and motive argument to claim that to maintain the standing of the House one should seriously devalue and perhaps scrap early-day motions .
12 That tribunal said that to force an applicant to state whether he intends to live here forever , or for a period of not less than six months , invites deceit and was somewhat removed from reality .
13 A sales manager estimates that to launch a new product on to the market will cost £200,000 in development and marketing costs .
14 Its defenders claim that to create the impression of progress is in itself a vital part of crisis management .
15 Chapman realized that to survive a team now needed three instead of two full-time defenders to cover the gap in the centre of the field .
16 The government says that to settle the matter it is calling in Britain 's Scotland Yard .
17 I support my hon. Friend the Member for Torbay ( Mr. Allason ) , because common sense dictates that to run a household on one 's own is considerably more expensive than for two people with two incomes .
18 Chapman considered that to win the Double , Arsenal needed to be leading the League by a substantial margin before the Cup came round .
19 The fine print says that to become a technical member , the organisation or company in question must already be a member of one of the councils .
20 The government 's resignation statement warned that to adopt the resolution would ruin the economic reform policy , jeopardize promised assistance from Western countries and financial institutions , deprive the government of power , and make " the figure of the President purely symbolic " .
21 Released by a group of independent scientists to coincide with the Second World Climate Conference , the report said that to minimise the risk of environmental damage , the rate of increase of average global temperature must be held below 0.2C per decade .
22 Eyeing her , Wexford thought that to say a lady with an infant would be better .
23 Mr MacGregor said that to describe the programme as immoral was absolutely ludicrous .
24 The evidence provided by this survey suggests that to offer an external agenda for reform , such as the Solihull booklet , in a spirit of laissez faire is doubly insufficient .
25 However , research on Indian students learning English suggests that to learn the language for commercial purposes it may also be effective to have instrumental motivation .
26 Another tract in the same Congregational Union series argued that to join a local church was , in effect , to join ‘ Christ 's universal church ’ , which was ‘ Christ 's own society ’ , not a ‘ private society organised by pious men . ’
27 Intelmet says that to make the service pay it will require just 10 regular customers every month .
28 Like all good recording artists , McGegan realises that to make a successful recording you must be prepared to exaggerate , and it is this that makes Floridante a success .
29 To this Lord Reid said that to regulate a person 's existing trade may be a greater restraint than prohibiting him from engaging in a new trade .
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