Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In the way it is said that the Tour de France does not really begin until it reaches the Alps , the cognoscenti contend that the first 63 holes are jockeying for position .
2 New League rules say that the next highest-placed team will be promoted should a side be able to fulfil it 's obligations in the higher league .
3 At the conclusion of the talks , Cheney announced that the second phase of the US troop withdrawal plan to 1995 , involving 6,000 troops , would not go ahead in view of " the most serious threat " posed by North Korea .
4 The Civil Justice Review found that a third of banks and building societies , and a fifth of local authorities , did not enquire about the debtor 's circumstances before the hearing .
5 A Crookes spokeswoman said : ‘ Bedtimers was launched after research showed that a third of parents gave their children adult hot chocolate drinks .
6 It would not , however , be possible for the third defendant to suggest that the third party was in any way guilty of any illegal conduct .
7 Admissible algorithms guarantee that the first spanning path found will be the highest scoring .
8 The data indicated that a third of those who used peptic ulcer drugs in 1977–81 also used these drugs in 1989–90 , conditional on surviving this period .
9 If you are steadily catching 4lb and 5lb bream it is wishful thinking to hope that the next one will be an 8-pounder .
10 He also submitted that it was essential that a jury should reach a rational conclusion by a rational process of thought , and he further submitted that it was wholly irrational for them in effect to hold that the first appellant did not act in concert with the second appellant , but that the second appellant acted in concert with the first appellant .
11 Its supporters claim that the first would be the first step towards a test reactor that would burn plasma for long periods .
12 Mr Lang said that the first priority of Scottish teachers should be to ensure their pupils were literate and numerate .
13 The current emphasis on providing more qualitative environmental information is noted , though the study predicts that the next generation of reports will contain more quantitative data in order to benchmark company and industry performance .
14 For example , in York at the turn of the century Rowntree found that the second most common cause of poverty after low wages was the ‘ death of the chief wage-earner ’ , accounting for 28 per cent of all poor households and 16 per cent of all poor persons ( Rowntree , 1902 , p. 120 ) .
15 The evaluators conclude that the second of the project 's stated objectives : to improve secondary school library provision and the quality of book selection
16 Moreover , Walpole , described in the same book ( p. 83 ) as someone who " thrived on gossip , and on playing at loo or at hazard with a duchess or two " , could very well have been a sufficiently astute observer of social mores to deduce that the first manifestations which he had seen of the new way of dressing constituted the beginning of a major trend .
17 At half-past ten , the sound of voices below the library window indicated that the first lesson of the day was over and that coffee was about to be served .
18 Abu Salim decided that a third day was n't necessary so I had to grin and bear it .
19 Aldercine announces that the third Active Retirement Club , at Flitwick Leisure Centre , was successfully launched in January .
20 An income tax plus an allowance OA implies that the first OA pounds of pre-tax income are still retained after-tax .
21 In a similar vein , Dr M in Department B said that the first year is concerned with ‘ settling in and acquiring practice , and acquiring a certain body of common reading which can then be appealed to or built on in subsequent years ’ .
22 Mr Justice Morrit held that the first payment of £4,000 on 30 January together with the monthly sum of £1,000 by banker 's order was not enough to discharge in full the invoice for January 's work by the accountants , which was £5,307.25 .
23 In the only giant-killing acts , Tranmere , top of the Third , defeated Ipswich , struggling in the Second , with a Chris Malkin goal ( 2-0 overall ) while Exeter ensured that the Fourth will have at least one representative in the third round .
24 Lane realises that a third tour title would be the perfect confidence-booster for what he has been warned will be a baptism of fire .
25 Nehru , having accepted Commonwealth membership , was content to pay Mountbatten the compliment ; Jinnah announced that the first Governor-General of Pakistan would be himself .
26 On March 27 President Alia announced that the next session of the People 's Assembly would begin on April 4 .
27 On April 9 the Conference agreed that the next meeting would be held on April 26 following which formal devolution talks would begin and continue until the next planned meeting of the two sides on July 16 [ see p. 38156 ] .
28 On 7 April the Office of Arts and Libraries announced that a nineteenth Old Master drawing from Holkham had had its export license deferred : Veronese 's ‘ Allegorical female figure holding a sceptre and globe ’ .
29 The Government 's investigation found that a third of the timber harvested nearby had been wasted , burnt on site or left to rot .
30 The move came as the Bond group disclosed that the fifth deadline for its A$2.5billion brewing deal with New Zealand 's Lion Nathan had passed without agreement , and that the basis of talks was to change .
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