Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 You heard about the eh education secretary 's faux pas somebody from Jack section , he , he 's apparently he slipped up er , and said right and Jack said to him I was to tell the education authorities suggest that you do when the education er clerk turn to Mr and said you are just , streaming is when he put one child in the same group for all subjects , setting is when there in different groups according to their ability , so you could be a Maths set A or an English set B , awkward is n't it ?
2 Unfortunately many researchers report that they do n't seem to be able to find time for such ‘ extra ’ activities because of overload from other more pressing work .
3 If you will not — if so , I shall take steps to see that you do ; there are two partners in marriage .
4 The cream need only be lightly massaged with the finger tips either once or twice a day and the manufacturers stress that you do not have to knead or use a special applicator .
5 When , in this situation , the person defamed sought to issue a writ , and the Member concerned asked the House of Commons to treat the matter as a breach of privilege , the Committee of Privileges recommended that it do so but the House , by a small majority , rejected this recommendation .
6 At the end of the day , the lads requested that we do something for them .
7 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
8 regularly validating lists to ensure that they do not contain the names of patients no longer requiring treatment ;
9 Finally , delegation ensures that you do not fall into the fatal trap of trying to become or seem indispensable .
10 Likewise , if you have already written a will , it is strongly recommended that you have this checked by a professional adviser to ensure that you do not give money unnecessarily to the taxman .
11 Bilingual lobbyists argue that they do not seek to challenge English as the state 's official language , merely to help recent immigrants , as well as foreign tourists and businessmen .
12 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
13 NATO countries say that they do not want a ‘ dual key ’ arrangement , in which an officer from the US and the host country have to turn their keys simultaneously before a weapon can be launched .
14 The National Olympic Council indicated that they do not object to the tours by New Zealand and Australia and neither would they do anything to prevent the Springboks from touring France and England later in the year .
15 By using the detachment technique during the course of the regression , it is possible for the hypnotherapist to ensure that you do not suffer in any way — if , for example , you are undergoing past-life regression and you came to a painful and untimely end in an earlier life .
16 Mother Love Bone manage to talk quite movingly about the wasted death of Andrew Woods , Queensrÿche and Soundgarden make ten-second cameos about the Seattle scene , and Robert Plant and Aerosmith 's Joe Perry prove that you do n't have to act like a complete fuckwit when a camera 's around .
17 Mother Love Bone manage to talk quite movingly about the wasted death of Andrew Woods , Queensrÿche and Soundgarden make ten-second cameos about the Seattle scene , and Robert Plant and Aerosmith 's Joe Perry prove that you do n't have to act like a complete fuckwit when a camera 's around .
18 They are not mandatory ( s. 6(1) ) and the Act stresses that they do not give any entitlement ‘ to question the merits of the policy objectives of any department ’ ( s. 6(2) ) .
19 First let's look at the ribber controls that we do n't use during most ribber knitting , which are set to their basic position and only changed on special occasions .
20 I think Giles knows that I do n't take him seriously . ’
21 All the main banks stress that they do not want to boss firms around in the German style , nor do they want to send in managers or directors .
22 Often carers complain that they do n't get enough support .
23 Corgi registration requires that you do .
24 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
25 Japanese officials plead that they do not have the power to carve up the market in this way .
26 Firms are divided over proposals requiring audit partners to be rotated every seven years to ensure that they do not develop too cosy a relationship with their clients .
27 However , while I believe Moltmann 's case is unanswerable , it makes no difference to my contention that we are given certain responsibilities to ensure that we do something positive .
28 Obedient reading of the Bible means that we do not read it selectively , choosing only the passages that reinforce our moods and temperaments .
29 Despite the ability of Sag & Hankamer 's ideas to account for considered judgements , several lines of evidence suggest that they do not provide any simple basis for a theory of comprehension .
30 THE Smokebusters of South Tees showed that you do n't need to smoke to have fun yesterday .
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