Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
2 No tuna importer has yet responded to WDCS 's latest appeal , and the majority insist that they will continue to carry " dolphin-friendly " labels .
3 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
4 Its defenders say that they will always keep its price high and carefully screen potential owners , as a way of protecting it .
5 The Government 's Expenditure Plans acknowledge that there will be further small reductions in real terms in capital spending .
6 Make sure you complete your week-ending chart accurately , and remember : to record your weight loss for the week to record all details about any foods or drinks that may have caused symptoms or weight gain that you will not be drinking alcohol or eating foods that contain yeast next week — which is the final week of Stage II .
7 I think the question remains or that my doubts remain that there will be a level of there will that one can assume a level of commitments which would be it would be sensible to try and draw back from or phase over a longer period of time .
8 JWP Inc , the Rye Brook , New York electrical and plumbing services conglomerate that bought struggling Businessland Inc and almost immediately regretted it , has decided that it has had enough of computers altogether and on Friday announced that it will sell its information services business ; it has retained Lazard Freres & Co as its financial advisor to attempt to find a buyer ; the unit now provides personal computer-related hardware , software and integrated services primarily to large corporate and institutional customers , has some 3,000 staff and had 1992 revenues of $1,700m .
9 Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced that it will ban the capture of the turtles , and gradually reduce imports to zero " within a certain period of time " .
10 why why do military on our side say that we 'll gon na get fucked in conventional war ? , we would hold them , we would hold them
11 Labour says that it will reverse every step that the Government have taken to protect businesses , and would leave them to the mercy of Labour 's own local councils .
12 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Academic Parties undertake that they will not make any application for registration of IPR in respect of any technical information relating to results without the prior written consent of the Non-academic Parties .
13 The electricity industry says that it will buy its coal from abroad unless British Coal can produce at 130p per gigajoule .
14 But under intense congressional pressure the Defence Department says that it will kill the programme next year unless the services manage to iron out serious flaws .
15 She is often rejected by the Catholics , because she will not conform to their religion : the local priest says that she will immediately burn in Hell , when she dies .
16 European and Asian countries , where companies have few scruples about exploiting their American rivals ' legal handicap , could pass anti-bribery laws of their own and TI says that it will lobby for such legislation .
17 The Jockey Club says that it will be looking for a successor to Smiles , but while this search is going on his place will be taken by Tony Goodhew , the present Director of Field Services .
18 It is hard to find much at Comdex and the companion Windows World show that is not NT-related this year , and Tivoli Systems Inc winged in from Austin , Texas to announce that it will develop a version of its product for NT , and brought along enough gear to demonstrate the Tivoli Management Environment for Windows NT in an early form : it says the product will make it easy for systems administrators to manage , configure , change , monitor , and enforce security of NT systems across large networks , and enable systems managers to manage Windows NT and Unix systems , as well as Windows and MS-DOS client machines , from a single , integrated systems-manager 's desktop ; it will start trickling out at the end of the year with a developer 's toolkit , and management applications will follow in early 1994 .
19 Will my right hon. and learned Friend confirm that he will ask the chairman of British Rail urgently to look at the position of the tunnels further along the line to ensure that precautions similar to those that are being instituted in the Severn tunnel will also be made in those tunnels if signalling changes have taken place recently associated with the general modernisation work ?
20 This hood is designed for efficiency and durability in any kitchen and is built from the toughest heat resistant materials and the powerful fan ensure that it will continue to look good and carry on working where other hoods might give up .
21 Most lay clients assume that you will get a report from their GP , although this is not usually necessary or desirable .
22 Such people may believe that staying on friendly terms with the salesperson and at the end of the interview stating that they will think over the proposal is the best tactic in a no-buy situation .
23 The Revenue conceedes that it will mean the virtual end of some 15,000 small schemes with £3 billion in assets .
24 His adventures concluded he retires to Dulwich saying that he will never regret those two years , with their ‘ scenes of which I had no previous conception ’ leading to ‘ the enlargement of my mind ’ , PP passim .
25 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
26 It has been decided to recruit a number of ‘ volunteer ’ Area Organisers to keep records of classes int heir area and Pat hopes that you will co-operate with them in giving fullest details of your classes so that communications can be improved both within the Society and with the public .
27 For example , patients waiting in an out-patient department knowing that it will be 30 minutes before they are seen may be happier than those who wait half as long , not knowing how long the wait will be .
28 Having designed the Commodore International Ltd PET Personal Electronic Transactor , and moved on to found Sirius Inc , later Victor Technologies Inc until he was caught out when the world discovered that ‘ runs MS-DOS ’ did n't mean ‘ IBM-compatible ’ , Chuck Peddle hopes that he 'll soon be back with a bang .
29 The violence of the eruption and the lightness of the pumice fragments means that they will go higher , and stay air-borne longer than any other kind of pyroclastic material , and it is this that gives pumice deposits their unique properties .
30 Yesterday 's result means that he will be able to take on the Euro-sceptic rump in the Tory Party and put through the legislation that could put Britain on the road to a single European currency by the late 1990s .
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