Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] back on the " in BNC.

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1 To enable researchers to report back on the results of recently completed research in the Scottish courts to an invited audience comprising the various branches of the legal profession , policy makers concerned with the administration of justice , pressure group and voluntary organisations and to stimulate an informed discussion of key findings .
2 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
3 And now — ’ Jagatan sank back on the couch .
4 My weight settled back on the earth and I felt nothing but staggering agony and could n't think connectedly until it abated .
5 The poignant music drifted into the coffee-house , and Meredith settled back on the Victorian chair to enjoy it and her surroundings .
6 The rats fled and Corbett fell back on the ledge , chest heaving , sobbing with anger and fear , his eyes fixed on the grating , praying for dawn .
7 It was better than having your screenplay flopping back on the mat by return of post .
8 Corbett leaned back on the bench and stared up at the smoke-blackened beams .
9 We walked round for a bit then we came back and watched The Bug-Eyed Monster Strikes Back on the television .
10 The tap is then closed and the stopper placed back on the tube to prevent release or contamination of the air .
11 We then suggested that people create small groups in which individual responses could be gathered together and discussed before the chosen spokesperson reported back on the collective view .
12 But once record companies went back on the sales offensive the new pop was easily coopted .
13 The rope was once again attached to a tree and then to the saddle of Felipe 's horse , and Maggie lay back on the cliff-top to watch as he made another dangerous trip over the edge .
14 Although new names have produced the successes , Longman falls back on the old to consolidate the same .
15 Persian forces crossed the river Araxes in mid-July 1826 and forced Russia 's frontier troops to fall back on the Georgian capital of Tiflis ( Tbilisi ) .
16 The political consequences are first increasing loss of control and crumbling of the party apparatus , next the state 's need to fall back on the army and police to preserve its own existence , public order and , it claims , the chance of imposing painful economic reforms .
17 Jezrael let her aching body melt back on the mattress .
18 He washed up and tidied up , and put the baize cover back on the table .
19 I asked one member of a church planting team to look back on the experience .
20 I would buy the parchment and arrange its transport down to the wharves and we concluded that , if we sold the wine brought back on the first voyage , we would make a profit .
21 When he was only forty feet from the Ilyushin , with his right wing now pointing straight up , its tip just a few feet from the airliner 's belly , Duncan pulled back on the left engine and then let the drag pull the plane level .
22 Resisting the idea that results should somehow be ‘ doctored ’ to reflect such circumstances , the Group fell back on the suggestion that LEAs or governors might be expected to issue statements that would put the results of particular schools in the right context .
23 Placing a foot against the wall , Grant leaned back on the rope .
24 Often , when I was cycling through the camp after coming off duty , I would spy Thursby in the distance beavering along , head down against the gale , full of eagerness to get back on the job and spot any mistakes we had made during his absence .
25 In fact erm there are now , you could say , too many teachers in the system overall , and that 's why there are new proposals erm both in the colleges and in the universities to cut back on the number of teachers that are being trained .
26 She let her head fall back on the pillow , her body arching in swift sensuousness , inviting and inciting the continuation of his caresses .
27 The video looks back on the occupation of Latin America by Europeans and draws attention to the present situation of the millions of people throughout the continent who are suffering poverty and disease .
28 All our maypole queens , crown bearers and dancers look back on the ceremony with pride , and they still come back on the day . ’
29 Now , in the light of a bedside lamp , he could see Marius Steen Lying back on the pillows asleep .
30 MICHAEL THOMAS will be handed the chance to set his Liverpool career back on the rails this weekend .
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