Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] down [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Somerset 's governmental changes included the legalization of the English language as the official medium , the introduction of English currency , the setting up of a council of advice , and attempts to ameliorate the treatment of slaves in accordance with new policies laid down in London .
2 Your mum drives down to Ipswich .
3 ( 4 ) defines the time limit for the giving of reasons laid down by subs .
4 Sometimes it is hard to love a rebellious and rude teenager , to endure the appalling racket of pop music , to cope with disobedience and flagrant disregard of rules laid down for family life .
5 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
6 In redrawing boundaries the commissions are guided by rules laid down by act of Parliament .
7 These are rules laid down by law which allow a claim to be brought only if legal proceedings are commenced before the expiry of a deadline .
8 The real estate descended to the heir in accordance with rules laid down by statutes of 1833 and 1859 .
9 The first specimen to be formally described according to the rules laid down by Linnaeus ( and later codified by Strickland and others from 1842 on ) is the type , and these are carefully kept in great museums , which exchange duplicates after due comparison .
10 Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536 .
11 The main force of level bombers passed over to 6 8,000 feet virtually unchallenged , their bombs crashing down on Luqa where six Wellingtons were burnt out ( R1247 , 1381 , 1382 , 1383 , 1384 of 148 Squadron , plus the sole remaining aircraft of 70 Squadron detachment , T2816 ) and seven more badly damaged , as were several Marylands .
12 In other words , they would still be dependent on a means-tested housing benefit in order to ensure that their income was paid at the minimum level laid down by Parliament .
13 Although the prime responsibility for rural housing provision has rested with the rural district councils ( district councils since 1974 ) , they must work within a strategic planning framework laid down by county council planning authorities .
14 And as I say we did the mass picket down in Inspector was coming straight up t an the Sergeant to y you know what 's like to leading er people and he said , Now what 's the what you going to do what 's what you want this morning ?
15 To obtain this private statute it is necessary for the local authority to promote a Bill in Parliament laid down by Parliament .
16 The judges will hear arguments next month and make their rulings , with luck , before Germany shuts down for August .
17 — But Sheila moved down to London with Bob and she got a job no bother .
18 Fellow Cooperite Sir Brian Jenkins stands down as Mayor on 12 November .
19 So we spend a season trying to adjust — a tough job in particular for the senior players who have spent up to 20 years operating a certain way — and then find it may all change again weeks before the British Lions fly down to New Zealand .
20 Sandy McGlashan had arrived late , his hair plastered down with sweat ; he was spluttering over the tale , to whoever would listen , of how he had ‘ come up flemyng and Menzies of Bolfracks , in the street at Aberfeldy , they had their heads together and were plotting something wicked , no doubt about it , if only he could have heard what they were saying ’ .
21 In Latin America other schools of thought have arisen , such as those of Masi and Orthega , but it is yet to be demonstrated that they are any more effective than the guidelines laid down by Hahnemann in the sixth edition of his Organon of Rational Healing .
22 The key objective is a 15 per cent return on equity , and all business within the group is conducted at arm 's length on guidelines laid down by CB at the centre .
23 Is he aware that that figure is now 0.4 per cent. , which is way below the guidelines laid down in legislation ?
24 Although such examination might improve the drafting of the rule books — and that would be ( procedurally ) beneficial — it could have the unfortunate and fundamental consequence of inducing tribunals to determine what is or is not a fair dismissal by reference to what has been agreed between the parties instead of by the yardstick laid down by Parliament .
25 From the terrace , a broad flight of central steps led down to lawns and formal flowerbeds .
26 This core of lava may continue to flow for a long while , but when the supply of fresh lava slows down at source , there will not be enough coming through to fill the whole volume of the core , so an empty space will be left , and this will form a long tube or tunnel running along the centre of the flow , sometimes for many kilometres .
27 As they trace their lazy parabolas back down to earth , these bits twist around slowly , over and over , until they hit the ground with a flop or a flump , splodging out to form round , flattish masses .
28 They 're done because the old-fashioned way of doing a , putting something together is a paste-up job , you 've got all these stories filed about all sorts of things , and then some editorial chap or chapess sits down with sort of paste and scissors and cuts the things off , and they tend to cut things off the bottom to make it all fit until it feels about right .
29 Of course you ca n't put the tails hanging down on bar ten can you .
30 An associated space-camera relays the data back down to Earth .
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