Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] should be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Normalised earnings ’ are defined as FRS 3 earnings stripped of those exceptional items that the user thinks should be below the line , while ‘ maintainable earnings ’ are the earnings attributable to the ongoing business .
2 All the electronic equipment used should be of as high a standard as possible since the poorer the recording , the less useful it is as a classroom aid to teaching .
3 * The Malaysian government is considering extending the period of timber concessions to 25 years , with the proviso that trees cut should be at least 40 years old .
4 The new contracts may improve accounting procedures , but do not appear to offer more choice to either doctors or consumers , who will be bound by contractual arrangements , which the government recommends should be on a three-year rolling basis .
5 Remember , if your policy is for ‘ Replacement as New ’ then your sum insured should be for the full replacement cost of all your possessions .
6 It may also be noted that if this method is employed then the first number chosen should be by random means rather than just ‘ saying a number between 1 and 10 ’ since it is well known that choices between these limits do not come out anything like randomly — the number 7 being particularly popular .
7 In captivity synspilum will eat just about any of the normal cichlid foods — earthworms , woodlice , beefheart , liver , chicken , fish , mussel , prawn ; obviously the foods chosen should be of a size suited to the fish , and the diet should contain a high level of vegetable material cooked peas , scalded lettuce or spinach , duckweed or other aquatic plants ; if a pelleted food is to form part of the diet this should be one with a high vegetable content — pond pellets are often suitable .
8 The lessons learnt should be of great value to the analysis of other countries in the process of transition .
9 Persons eligible for legal aid should have a free choice of lawyers and the services provided should be of the same quality as those available for fee-paying clients .
10 Two , that treatment offered should be on a basis of need and not ability to pay and thirdly , that it should be a comprehensive service for all people whatever background they come from .
11 Facts selected should be of critical importance to understanding of a principle .
12 Another point to remember is that if all four pictures are to sit comfortably together in the overall design , then all the material used should be of roughly the same size .
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