Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] also [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 DEC has also set up the Object Database Assessment Team to provide consultancy to customers deciding between an object database or a traditional approach for an application .
2 Nippon DEC has also teamed up with four software companies to develop its software reseller business .
3 British Waterways have also topped up stocks in the same watercourse below Thwaites Mill .
4 The Kennel Club have also drawn up a code of ethics covering the sale of dogs in an attempt to control the so-called ‘ puppy farmers ’ who produce hundreds of animals purely for profit , and they offer a Canine Code , freely available to owners .
5 ‘ The number of people in work has also gone up from 33,000 to 37,000 , ’ he said .
6 Ray has also set up High Rise Aquatics to market plants and accessories .
7 The council has also set up a hotline on for local people to ring if they suffer excessive noise .
8 The group has also set up an in-house Oracle development facility at a cost of £15,000 .
9 Sun 's biggest US distributor Access Graphics has taken on Hummingbird 's HCL-exceed PC X servers which offers a Sun interface with X Windows applications and can run on top of PC-NFS : IBM Canada has also picked up the product to run off networked hosts like the RS/6000 .
10 Ironically this Heath Robinson make-do also ended up contributing to the Dalek myth .
11 And , since mid-April , bank stocks have also given up nearly all their gains amid fears of rising interest rates .
12 Transatlantic birds such as the Tennessee warbler and Blackburnian warbler have also turned up in Fair Isle , amazing journeys for small birds , and especially so if they depend on insects for food , as most warblers do .
13 Arnet has also signed up the Polish Clico Hi-Tech Software Promotion Centre Ltd to distribute its wares in Poland .
14 The SDLP vote also held up at 21.9pc , a slight increase on the 1989 figure , giving them a tally of 127 seats .
15 A public relations campaign also started up to draw in the waverers .
16 Since then he has played singles while Stephen Shaw , Andrew Castle , Richard Whichello , Chris Bailey , Danny Sapsford , Nick Brown and Mark Petchey have all been tried and Bates has also paired up with Shaw , Castle , Brown and Colin Dowdeswell in the doubles .
17 The union has also taken up the case of 50 workers who were fired for joining the union .
18 CA has also set up a similar bundling agreement for CA-Unicenter with Sequent Computer Systems Inc , however , this version still has a lot of work to be done on it and is n't likely to appear until this time in 1993 .
19 France and Italy had also put up candidates for the post .
20 But Kuhlmann had also slipped up — using ‘ Newman ’ at the end of the conversation .
21 Peter Dods was captain in the midweek games but , like Sole , the Gala fullback has also hung up his boots .
22 SunSoft has also lined up several large US distributors namely Ingram Micro Inc , Merisel Inc , Tech Data Corp , Access Graphics Inc and Gates F/A Distribution Inc to peddle it and says it has authorised over 2,000 US resellers to handle the product .
23 SunSoft has also lined up several large American distributors namely Ingram Micro , Merisel , Tech Data , Access Graphics and Gates F/A to peddle it and says it has authorised over 2,000 US resellers to handle the product .
24 Captain David Lloyd-Owen 's LRDG patrol also turned up at the rendezvous and he recalls his first meeting with him .
25 Draught Guinness has been launched in Sweden and new markets have also opened up in Hungary and Greece .
26 But the survey has also thrown up an anomaly between the north and south .
27 The company has also set up a distribution arrangement with Penguin in Canada .
28 The Indonesian market has also opened up to foreign investment allowing up to 49 per cent of any listed company or new issue to be bought by foreigners compared with only 11 companies being open to foreign investment previously .
29 The NUS and several other student unions have also taken up the campaign and it is hoped that the campaign will extend beyond the student movement to trade unions and women 's groups .
30 With extra section and money back guarantee , the Independent 's also gone up in price becoming the most expensive weekend paper .
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