Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] just [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Southend pumps its sewage into the sea after primary treatment ; the beach at Westcliff has just been called unsuitable for swimming by the Heinz Good Beach Guide .
2 But keep this biddable phrase for whispering into a nape from which the absent hair has just been swept .
3 His graphic story has just been published in the Darlington Postgraduate Journal , edited by doctors at Darlington Memorial Hospital where he was treated after his second stroke .
4 As a matter of interest and as a direct result of our attendance at five of these Auctions — a total of 37 unweaned foals and ponies were rescued , and a small FOAL SANCTUARY has just been set up in Burnley for their rehabilitation .
5 In Norfolk on one large site there have been three serious accidents involving falls from heights , and in Suffolk a case has just been sent to crown court after a man fell through an asbestos roof on a farm .
6 Good idea , is n't it , especially as his appointment as chairman has just been announced ?
7 Contraceptives can not be sold freely — Ireland 's Family Planning Association has just been fined in the courts for putting condoms on sale in a Dublin record store — and divorce is illegal .
8 It is as if pedestrianisation has just been invented .
9 SHARON SHANNON , whose debut solo album has just been released to great critical acclaim , embarks on an extensive Irish tour in November .
10 A headhunter for ten years , Kinnaird has just been commissioned by his first female client , which speaks volumes .
11 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
12 That museum , after all , built with private money , the millions of Yuriy Nechayev-Maltsev , to whom a memorial plaque has just been unveiled .
13 But as one door closes , another opens — and the former Larne defender has just been appointed manager of Smithwick 's Amateur League Premier side Drumaness Mills .
14 Extensive work to the roof has just been finished and the next phase will concentrate on the interior .
15 A new range of shampoos , scents and perfumed oils for pampered pets has just been launched in America .
16 Here , at a Swedish medical school , a pig has just been shot , so that students can practise taking out the bullet .
17 The product of umpteen years research has just been revealed : The Black Hornet .
18 Nearby , a cart horse had just been released from its harness and was busy munching at its fodder ; the up-ended cart stood to one side .
19 Blessed for a military man with unusual fluency with the pen , Lugard brought to this task a literary energy and a crusading passion which seem to have mesmerized those who heard him into believing that a discovery of the first importance in the field of imperial administration had just been made .
20 On both occasions the car had just been serviced and was running perfectly .
21 Eleanor had just been photographed for one of the supplements and it pleased him to be seen with someone in the news .
22 That tray had just been prepared for me personally by the cook !
23 The morning mail had just been delivered , along with the daily newspaper .
24 Richard had just been born .
25 Leith 's just been telling me that you both work for the same firm , ’ he put on a front for the rest of the world to joke .
26 Thanks have just been received in the Office from Janice Glen for the lovely flowers and card she received on her birthday .
27 And the breakdance DJ 's just been sacked
28 He also confirms that a heavy goods vehicle has just been loaded and is about to leave for another customer in Tamworth .
29 Flood prevention work has just been completed , and the houses stayed dry through the wettest October on record .
30 A book of Madame Yevonde 's pioneering work has just been published , price £14.95 , and the exhibition runs at the National Portrait Gallery until September 30th .
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