Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] me from the " in BNC.

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1 No , what I am looking at are the first direct signals to reach me from the dark constellation of Serafin .
2 I endeavoured to paint a picture of this scene , but again and again legions of midges drove me from the spot : I got a phial of essence supposed to keep them away , but alas ! in vain .
3 Despite this , the new president of the CSIC , José Mato , decided in November to exclude me from the examination and to cancel the competition .
4 His manager Alan McColm said : ‘ Martin phoned me from the airport to say what had happened and he was furious .
5 Will Vern notice me from the drive when he comes out of the hospital ?
6 Lindsay Kemp : ‘ David Bowie struck me from the very beginning as being very versatile and very ‘ up-front ’ and not in the least bit naîve .
7 My father carries me from the car and I glide up two flights of concrete steps , suspended in midair by anti-gravity .
8 I said there were the that county record form and this man asked me from the museum that handled it if he could send them back to erm to Wiltshire .
9 Let the man lift me from the car still asleep and wrapped in a tartan blanket , let him lift me and carry me up the stairs to my bed , let him gently say , ‘ we 're here ’ … let him lay me down to sleep .
10 So I left , and as I walked back to my car , the man watched me from the little steel balcony upon which Kanaan Abu Khadra had played as a boy .
11 The bus shuffles away , as my warm , snug , enticing home awaits , opening its arms to relieve me from the world outside .
12 However — although these contortions saved me from the worse excesses of daily racism , my face kept giving me away .
13 In one direction only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean , while in the other the valley goes back for miles and miles .
14 It dries up too ; it cakes all over me ; sometimes I feel there is not enough soap in the whole world to cleanse me from the things that I did in your name … ’
15 And so it was that Osman Abdelal took me from the gas station and up to a small Arab village called Mazraa , clustered round the ruins of an old Roman aqueduct .
16 The nurse shifts me from the cart to the bed with some difficulty .
17 He had been moved to lighter work three years earlier : ‘ my Master took me from the farm work to do the House Boys work — cleaning the Boots seeing to the wood and coals and sweeping up the back yard and the paths and looking after the poultry . ’
18 I did n't lack support ; the Spanish public knew me from the European Indoor .
19 Jane Brompton called me from the Betty Ford clinic last night and it 's absolutely 100% sure .
20 The first I knew about it was a massive gaoler dragging me from the Common side up to the turnkey 's lodge .
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