Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [being] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The clients appreciate being kept in the picture , even if their stay can not be made shorter .
2 Prime Minister Petre Roman on April 29 proposed an extensive government reshuffle which he portrayed as the introduction of dynamic personalities to maintain the pace of economic reform , and which was interpreted by commentators as an assault on bureaucratic opposition to reform being encountered in several ministries .
3 The expansion of such investments has taken place in the midst of a worldwide process of financial liberalization , with capital controls being relaxed and transactions costs being reduced in securities markets .
4 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
5 It was also pointed out that there were cuts in the community care , in particular the home help budget , with home helps being restricted in the chores that they are allowed to carry out by law .
6 Britain had at all costs to avoid being engulfed in a war of succession between Muslims and Hindus , and the only way to do this was to hand over , while there was still time , not to one but to two successor states .
7 One poster to be displayed on Tube carriages will ask passengers to imagine being trapped in a carriage with 600 other people for 35 hours without food and water .
8 Along with scientific and industrial advancement , medicine increased apace — aspirin began being produced in 1897 .
9 Tough and tender Kathryn takes gold IMAGINE being lost in the wild stretches of the Scottish Highlands , icy northern wind beating heavily against your face and sheets of splintering rain biting deep into your face .
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