Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] what [is] " in BNC.

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1 And we feel that both of those policies combine to establish what is in effect a presumption against erm any form of significant employment development away from the the county 's main settlements .
2 A statute passed to remedy what is perceived by Parliament to be a defect in the existing law may in actual operation turn out to have injurious consequences that Parliament did not anticipate at the time the statute was passed ; if it had , it would have made some provision in the Act in order to prevent them .
3 This may not always be on a personal level — it could be in your work when you make an inner stand refusing to accept what is dished out to you by shutting that inner door .
4 Every county council has to provide what is termed a Structure Plan for the next 10 years .
5 Occasionally toilet training becomes part of the fight for supremacy between parent and child with the child refusing to do what is asked because of the overall management problem .
6 Of necessity it has meant that the development of the Institution 's syllabuses tends to reflect what is , rather than what will be .
7 It is essential at this point to try to understand what is happening to Burton since so much of his public life flows from the tensions between Hollywood and the English stage , between money and art , as it was thought , between philandering and fidelity , between a public and a private life .
8 The key point made by these analyses of team or group development is that effectiveness ( see below ) is an outcome which develops over time , as the group begin to understand what is required of them and how they can utilise the knowledge , skills and attributes of the individual members in fulfilling group and individual goals .
9 separate legal rules applying differently to different types of credit transaction should be replaced by a single set of rules covering equally all forms of ‘ security interest ’ ( how lenders try to secure what is owed to them , for example , by a right to repossess what is bought with the borrowed money ) .
10 After the Glasgow meeting , Mr Wallace said of the Convention 's prospects : ‘ My view is still that when this group tries to examine what is a realistic possibility , realistically we will not be able to embark on any major schemes . ’
11 For in that they are living in the modern world , and in so far ( one must say ) as they are good persons seeking to do what is right , conservatives must see much of the critique of past patriarchal relationships to be justified .
12 These people may of course want to keep their knowledge secret so as to avoid any involvement in criminal proceedings , which is not helpful to creditors and to credit managers wanting to know what is to be salvaged from the wreck .
13 Together these principles attempt to establish what is distinctive about the Modular Course .
14 The two will only be equal : ( a ) if wages and prices are such that firms plan to produce what is currently being produced ; and ( b ) if firms are able to implement their production plans successfully .
15 Management now requires a larger perspective than in the past : the school manager needs to know what is happening in higher education , in technical education and in the vocational sphere .
16 However , too often the student strains to see what is written because the teacher has not considered how she is using the board .
17 It provides a lever for the grief process to begin as people start to recognize what is taking place .
18 It also provides an opportunity , and I think this is quite important , for people to get to know what is happening within the fields of expertise , which increasingly in our society become more and more specialised , more and more hedged off from one another , and in a sense I think that there is a very great danger if intelligent adults in the community , laymen in effect , do n't have some idea , some coherent idea , of what 's going on in these fields of specialisation and expertise .
19 Some people need to know what 's in food for health reasons .
20 Q : But surely people need to know what 's going on ?
21 ‘ 'If the Headmaster wants to know what 's going on , it 's my job to tell him .
22 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
23 The headmaster has to know what 's going on … ’
24 In contrast , the gigantic photographic images depicting what the curator Jeffrey Deitch has called our Strange Developments act to bludgeon what is assumed to be our jaded sensibilities , but more obviously demonstrate the burn out of a certain faction of the mid Atlantic artworld , curators and buyers .
25 Your friends begin to wonder what is wrong .
26 The President of the USA and other world leaders demand to know what is going on and government scientists are urged to get to the bottom of this — and fast .
27 This incident seems to epitomise what is believed to have gone wrong with the Children 's Hearing system in Orkney .
28 ‘ Well , you know , the secret police have to hear what is going on , ’ shrugged a Bucharest physicist .
29 If the adventurers want to see what is going on in the Black Pit , all they have to do is rap twice in rapid succession with the rod upon the rail .
30 Tucker wants to know what 's happening about Francis 's personal effects .
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