Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Groups can help members to discuss their feelings and needs more safely , and the mutual support given can help them develop new coping strategies for dealing with them .
2 However , the Conservative Government , at the time of writing , are trying in the most unsubtle ways to destroy the rail network in Scotland , a crime that generations to come will curse them for if they succeed .
3 The columns for support and supply had been alerted long ago , the clansmen waited only for the signal , and his great seal on the writs his messengers carried would bring them out to join him like bees from a hive disturbed .
4 Matters have come to a head with the publication of a new and more detailed insurance group rating system which insurers say will enable them to pinpoint the higher risk models more accurately .
5 Whether the action proposed will solve them is another matter .
6 She hoped that the child to whom this home belonged would let her stay and watch him playing .
7 English Nature 's chairman , Lord Cranbrook , has described the site as " marginal " , but the Peatlands Consortium , which groups together many of Britain 's leading countryside groups , has said the failure to confirm will make it easier for landowners to destroy valuable bogs .
8 Mr Smith , who is also chairman of Fraserburgh Fish Merchants ' Association , said it was not just the French who were suffering from cheap fish imports — catches could be bought from eastern European boats in the North-east at prices which local fishermen say would put them out of business .
9 Not even a plea from his six-year-old granddaughter to let Big Daddy go could free him .
10 Where tenure was for life only , and not by inheritance , where entry fines were not fixed by custom , it was possible for the lord , perfectly legally , to raise these to a level which a possible heir could not pay , not in the expectation of getting more money , but in the certainty that failure to pay would give him the right to evict .
11 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
12 You must start paying five pounds a week by next Tuesday the court usher will give you the address of the court but you must make you send that money every week .
13 Efforts by the EC to introduce a tax last year were frustrated by the Bush administration 's opposition to the concept which European industrialists claimed would put them at an unfair disadvantage in world markets .
14 As a consequence , the changes produced will tell you nothing about the normal functions of that part .
15 Once again , the presence of an adult to help keep things going will make it easier for the cameraman , whose job it is to cover the most interesting bits of action wherever it may take place within the four walls of the room .
16 pressure of work on credit advises can tempt them to see this as a way of reducing the workload
18 you know kind of build on , build on the criticism as it were and build on the things that people say could improve it erm
19 There are also plans to further develop the cereal processing at Girvan — something which Mr Sandy says will occupy him now that his nephew is in place as managing director : ‘ It 'll keep me out of mischief . ’
20 But his hunger to score will make it no easier for Fergie 's defenders this afternoon .
21 I said , get me the man whom people think can beat me .
22 The interaction of intense laser light with certain gases can produce extreme ultraviolet radiation , but the windows needed to keep the gas contained would absorb it , some ingenious ways were devised to amid windows , but they generally were too cumbersome for practical use .
23 As Byrd begins the long rehabilitation process which doctors hope will enable him to regain some movement , former team-mate Al Toon , one of the game 's top wide receivers , sits in retirement after being unable to shake off the effects of the ninth concussion in his eight-year career .
24 When you are working in a surgical ward you should remember that although the operation performed may give you some indication of the pain a patient is likely to experience , there will be a great variation in practice .
25 With every other team apart from Norwich failing , Chelsea now lie fourth in the Premier League but any success-starved Blues fan will tell you they 're equal second .
26 In some cases , vibrational progressions may be observed , and careful analysis of the nature of the vibrations involved can give us an idea of both the symmetry and any changes in structure associated with the transition , just as it can for a band in a valence photoelectron spectrum ( Section 6.6.2 ) .
27 Any inbuilt coding — in the form of genes — that could affect us after our child-bearing period is irrelevant to the survival of the species : the genes involved might code us for death but , in terms of the species , this does not matter because we have already served our purpose by reproducing .
28 However , when a one-time tenant called to say his possessions had been seized to pay his debts , Sheridan gave him the £300 which the man said would restore him to his former state .
29 The region runs at a profit and it 's also one of the most self-contained parts of the British Rail network , factors which the Government believes will make it attractive to investors .
30 Hateley pointed out : ‘ I always felt the league format might help us .
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