Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] over time " in BNC.

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1 Thus the courts were clearly subservient to the commands of the Communist Party , although it should be noted that the degree of independence available to the courts has varied over time : in the 1930s it was minimal , but after 1956 it became greater .
2 Although the media of political socialization have changed over time , the content has not .
3 We saw in the previous chapter how productive property is inherited and distributed amongst kin , and how the patterns of wealth ownership have changed over time .
4 What might , however , be the case is that a greater proportion of people in temporary jobs are " involuntary " rather than " voluntary " temporary workers than a decade or so ago , in other words that the structure of the temporary worker population has changed over time .
5 One of the strengths of organisations is the expertise that officials have accumulated over time .
6 Patterns get established over time which colour present behaviour .
7 Thirdly , the characteristics of later life families have changed over time .
8 The methods or ‘ media ’ they have used for these explorations have evolved over time — and have been aimed at an ever wider audience .
9 What is loosely termed ‘ global competition ’ is the outcome of how individual firms have reacted over time to the changing balance of opportunity and threat .
10 As was seen in Part I , the link between poverty and old age has changed over time .
11 Right , okay , so , in ge in general , we can say that world trade has risen over time due to essentially , well , is that , is there anything else that ?
12 But however the goals of their lowland neighbours have shifted over time , they have remained essentially predatory .
13 The research involves mainly participant observation in and around the temple , supplemented by archival work to determine whether the role and importance of the temple has changed over time .
14 Now if our assets if by promoting the right to buy , by having capital receipts we seem to have a large balance building up , there is the distinct risk given the sort of policies that this government has pursued over time of a we will be running a risk there , we do n't know what they 're going to do , you do n't know what they 're going to do .
15 Could it be that this underlying sense of obligation has weakened over time ?
16 They measured price changes over periods of one week , one day , five minutes and one minute , and concluded that the relationship between spot and futures prices has varied over time .
17 The volume of the ocean basins has fluctuated over time and this has a great influence over virtually every other life-generating and sustaining force ever discovered .
18 However , the weights may soon become out-of-date : in particular , the Laspeyres index will tend to give too much weight to those goods whose relative prices have increased over time since increases in relative prices are usually associated with decreases in quantity demanded .
19 Also , the Paasche index tends to give too little weight to those goods whose relative prices have increased over time .
20 to examine the way the determinants of employment decisions have changed over time .
21 The idea of the continuity of sites over the generations is easier to accept for , if markers of some sort had been laid down , they might well have survived , even if their form had changed over time .
22 The relative balance of these factors has changed over time and is influenced by the type of exchange rate system in operation .
23 Given that public expenditure has grown over time in the UK , how do we compare with other countries ?
24 This project is concerned with examining how number of high technology industries have evolved over time .
25 The methods of distributing the general grant have varied over time .
26 Within the movement , definitions have shifted over time .
27 In particular , we are interested in the way lending patterns have changed over time , and whether in fact these changes have been optimal .
28 Figure 5.1 shows how these forms of provision have changed over time .
29 Some of the more recent studies , which have been able to use a longer data set , have found evidence that the absolute size of mispricings has declined over time .
30 Table 3.1 lists the four factors which determine the financial status of elderly people — employment , state benefits , private savings , and family transfers — and it can be seen that their relative shares have changed over time , with the decline in employment income roughly matching the rise in state benefits .
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