Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 Ben got away to a really fast start and there was no heading him .
2 Ben got away to a lightning start and won in a blazing 10.06 seconds ; Chidi ( not going to Scotland ) was second , and I was some way back in third place with 10.32 seconds .
3 The problem of course goes inescapably to a notion of the quality of experience ( though what we are calling the aesthetic here is not , or not only , a question of intensity ) .
4 After the Tower Report was published in February 1987 , and the PROF notes revealed that had passed by computer between the characters , the basement became home to a band of five-o'clock-shadowed Boy Scouts delighting in their own secrecy .
5 In the 100 metres Allan got away to a fine start , I came through fast at the end , there was a photo-finish between us and he got the verdict .
6 The lane near our cottage led only to a farm , the youth hostel poised on the edge of the cliff and a monument to a Welsh poet , put there by his friends .
7 On a pre-war state visit to India , he outraged officialdom by cutting a banquet to slip away to a pretty Burmese princess he had met at the Middlesex Regiment Ball .
8 Minnis decided to do something for others who might similarly be afflicted which resulted in the Kenilworth Club and the PGL contributing annually to a fund .
9 One suspects its high rating owes less to a fondness for social-democratic parties with close trade-union links than to a loose wish for economic efficiency plus social justice .
10 Of course , no creative scientist holds rigidly to a fixed position in the light of new evidence , and only Kandel himself can say how far he has now moved beyond such earlier , campaigning reductionism .
11 Thus , they argue , why not short-circuit the development of ambient air quality standards , air monitoring , diffusion modelling , etc. and simply require all emitters to go directly to a ‘ good practice ’ emission standard ?
12 Further ( 2 ) it is reasonable for a fire-engine to proceed quickly to a fire , for life and property may be in danger .
13 In the short term , the development of the British executive search industry owes much to a mixture of both demand and supply factors .
14 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
15 A wide knowledge of printing and typography is needed , since good typography adds immeasurably to an advertisement 's impact , readability and style , and it is the art director who will choose the type face .
16 Wilson presents these in a chapter devoted entirely to a discussion of the practices of each of the 12 laudesi companies .
17 Hundreds of motorists abandoned their cars to dash across to a local radio station after a DJ offered scores of free tickets to the band 's concert .
18 Any rule chosen from the conflict set has its weight reduced by the factor K. If it is the last rule of a successful search , so its action leads immediately to a goal , then the reward C is added to its weight .
19 With r = 0 , Equation ( ) becomes unc Hence if we choose co to make k1 zero , it will contain no contribution from x1 , and , as r increases sufficiently to a value s , ( ) will tend to unc The condition unc means that we can express one element of co in terms of the remaining n — 1 .
20 This more complex approach to long waves leads also to a more complex view of uneven development .
21 The very wide shoulders narrowing sharply to a slim hip on a longer jacket was the biggest influence on menswear at the time and he took the world by storm .
22 At 8 o'clock on Friday , June 15th , over 30 teenagers met in the church Family Centre for a strange ritual known only to a few as MIDNIGHTICESKATING .
23 Curiously , the Order discriminates against Scottish and Irish lawyers : the relaxation of the general rule applies only to a defined class of EC lawyers from which those qualified in Scotland or Northern Ireland are , whether by accident or design , excluded .
24 The digger rolled gently to a halt again , engine ticking over .
25 THE pound fell sharply to a new record low against the mark yesterday afternoon , closing at Dm2.3213 , down almost 3.5 pfennigs on the day .
26 In these circumstances , M. Mitterrand looked forward to a ‘ Yes ’ vote of as much as 70 per cent .
27 Now 30 per cent of its junior management are women , although that figure falls away to a paltry 1 per cent at the highest levels .
28 In the middle of a yellow common the engine died , and the car rolled jerkily to a halt .
29 Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence in vitro .
30 The problem of this critical practice wedded exclusively to a narrow disciplinary framework is that its rigour is based on ‘ reductive formulas ’ , certainties about how the past is to be discovered and what Renaissance culture was .
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