Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun prp] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Roman helped Claudia out of the car when they reached her flat , took the key from her and opened the door .
2 Hennessy led Donaldson out into the courtyard .
3 Having explained carefully to Willis what he was about to do , Richard invited Pinkie out to lunch .
4 Today Labour talks of investment to pull Britain out of recession , but its investment is merely a euphemism for public spending on an unprecedented scale .
5 The Posh are making a strong promotion challenge and their experienced , hard-running side knocked Liverpool out of the Rumbelows League Cup and impressed in defeat against Middlesbrough .
6 These two words brought Elinor out in a kind of rash of solicitude .
7 The Midlander took Moffatt out of his stride with his fast , unorthodox boxing and before the first round was out Moffatt was sporting a cut over his left eye , which later needed stitches .
8 A sudden jerk brought Yanto out of his stupor .
9 It is generally thought that homophobic prejudice kept Minton out of the Academy , Munnings especially having a dislike of both him and his art .
10 If the Liberal Democrats threaten rebellion , Labour will say : ‘ We have a programme to get Britain out of recession ; we want to get rid of the poll tax ; we want to rescue the health service , and you are standing in our way in order to get petty party advantage .
11 The coalition has rightly been ready to run these risks to get Iraq out of Kuwait ; but so long as it could achieve that central aim , how much better to do so without further fear of all the weapons in a tyrant 's armoury .
12 Dissidents forced Andrews out of office and looked for leadership to Sir Basil Brooke ( later Viscount Brookeborough , q.v. ) , the minister of commerce and war production , who had been completely identified with the war effort .
13 Graeme Hick dragged Worcestershire out of trouble with an unbeaten 82 after a four-wicket blast by Leicestershire 's Winston Benjamin at New Road .
14 Jeffrey Kitingan , the younger brother of Sabah 's Chief Minister Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan , was arrested on May 13 on charges of " involvement in a plot to pull Sabah out of Malaysia " .
15 In May Jeffrey Kitangan was again arrested on charges of involvement in a plot to pull Sabah out of Malaysia .
16 Eva helped Shadwell out by designing one of these productions and making the costumes .
17 In mid-January the police said that they had arrested under the Internal Security Act a sixth man allegedly involved in a plot to take Sabah out of the Malaysian federation ; he was named as Vincent Chung , group manager of a company controlled by the Sabah Foundation .
18 Shortly before the elections the federal government had released details of an alleged plot to take Sabah out of the Federation .
19 The security guard pushed Jack out of the way and bent down to the driver 's window as the Glory slowed down .
20 The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major 's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession .
21 The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major 's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession .
22 It is a shame that there are no photographs but each chapter begins with a Tom Price sketch and the text marks Sylvie out as a skilled travel writer rather than just a traveller who writes , a thoroughly good read .
23 Though some of the President 's advisers wished to use the crisis to drive Britain out of the nuclear deterrent business altogether , Kennedy had no intention of doing so , and insisted on a formula being found that would enable Britain to buy Polaris without jeopardizing the US policy of working towards a NATO Multilateral or Multinational nuclear force .
24 Had it not been for his desire to sound Eleanor out on the subject of Liza , he felt he could easily have done so .
26 Rosie , who was least capable of resisting , heard several minutes of the tremors in Ruby 's fingers and the palpitations of Ruby 's heart and the pictures flashing through Ruby 's mind before Rain propelled Ruby out of the room .
27 Some kind soul had forsaken the drama to escort Sandra out of the room and comfort her .
28 Artai wants Jehan out of the way , ’ Burun said austerely .
29 President Rafsanjani of Iran announces that he would not object to foreign troops forcing Iraq out of Kuwait .
30 It would explain the extraordinary letter about the cheque — an act of ludicrous personal generosity to help Ingard out of a hole , or , perhaps , more sanely , to try to preserve the shipping company from going down if the rest of the empire crashed .
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