Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] into the " in BNC.

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1 Data could pop up in boxes around the screen , and in due course graphics , mice and icons led us into the wimps era ( window , icon , menu , pointer ) .
2 But after three disappointing Five Nations games , Ciaran Fitzgerald drafted him into the side — as well as making him captain — for the game in Paris .
3 One group dismissed the Prime Minister 's offer as an attempt to co-opt him into the ruling Chart Thai party and thus disarm his independent political ambitions .
4 In my teens , similar doubts lured me into the darker recesses of the family 's medical encyclopedia , there to discover I was Britain 's first recorded case of Futtock 's Syndrome .
5 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
6 Almost a hundred years later , the great American dramatist Thornton Wilder turned it into The Merchant of Yonkers and later revised it , changing the name to The Matchmaker .
7 Swindon were in no danger of missing the boat to the third round … just to make sure player manager Glenn Hoddle hammered them into the lead after just three minutes …
8 In 1848 Prince Windischgrätz turned it into the headquarters of his General Staff ; it then became a special school for the Communist Party and is now being restored as the Academy of Music .
9 A ceremony to swear him into the post was to have been held tomorrow .
10 From time to time the press carries rumours of such enquiries , but they usually remain rumours unless legal action takes them into the public domain , because the DTI never comments or publishes the findings .
11 Jesus ' sufferings draw us into the love of God and show us how much he loved us .
12 The President called him into the room .
13 A white dog with torn ears followed him into the room .
14 The professor takes you into the world of portable computing explaining how to make the most of your walk-about P.C. The program is basically a collection of text files with an easy to use reader .
15 The climax came when Cornish Lady appeared in the western Channel , her progress was monitored and the cutter Alert , with Jim Cameron in command followed her into the river Exe , keeping in close radio contact with the waiting officers on shore .
16 Molly followed him into the room , struck a match and lit the oil lamp .
17 But the humanities comprise a number of disciplines and subjects , of which English is only one ; the Leavisite attempt to turn it into the Queen of the Sciences never looked like succeeding .
18 On their return to Orkney , however , the Social Work Department put them into the Camoran Children 's Home in Kirkwall .
19 They found that he knew what he wanted ; that he was persuasive in trying to get it ; that what he wanted was good ; and they suddenly realized that this new young professor dragged them into the twentieth century .
20 Neither of them felt up to leading and their enquiring eyes forced me into the lead .
21 Any attempt to introduce them into the discourse is immediately blocked by the slogan posing as question — ‘ but is it philosophy ? ’
22 Although everyone was a bit wary of an undeserved Soton equaliser , Beeney mopped up any semblance of an attack , and after good work by Strachan in not letting Benali shepherd the ball out for a goal kick , he dispossessed him , took it past another defender and played it across the goal for Speed to slot it into the bottom left corner .
23 And I can always remember it was in the middle of winter and put on the , the four that bit circular bit put it into the four wheel drive and it came up there wonderful and the , yet er going in we were and the other car was swaying all over the place .
24 The decline in rough grassland/moor may reflect its ‘ better ’ agricultural management bringing it into the category of permanent grassland instead .
25 People whose parents baptised them into the Roman Catholic Church will probably be counted as Catholics all their lives — even if they never go to church ; for people to be counted as Baptists , however , they will have to have expressed a strong commitment to their faith and to have undergone adult baptism .
26 Skipper , Derek Hall cracked them into the lead midway through the first half .
27 Her vacuum cleaner drove him into the street , in search of a coffee shop .
28 As Pound confessed in another letter in 1933 : ‘ Most Cantos have in them ‘ binding matter ’ , i.e. lines holding them into the whole poem and these passages do n't much help the reader of an isolated fragment …
29 When Ruth followed her into the kitchen , she looked around ; like the rest of the house , it was clean but very sparsely furnished .
30 Ruth followed her into the hallway and was immediately aware of disorder ; open packing-cases and an assortment of clothes and furniture piled up in every inch of space .
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